Nice Guys Are Severely Overrated.

I am so sick and tired of hearing boys and even GROWN men complain about how women don't like them even though they're a "nice guy". They moan about being "friend zoned" and always ask why no one will sleep with them because, of course, they are wonderful and awesome. 99% of the time, these men are not really "nice" at all. They hide malicious and rather creepy and misogynistic thinking behind this facade of "being nice". They pretend to be friends or "nice guys" in order to try and get close to women just to sleep with them or get them into relationships they really don't want or need. They don't think of women as people or human beings, instead to "nice guys", women are The Girlfriend, The Wife, The ONe-Who-Should-Sleep-With-Me. And then they delude themselves into thinking that that's not what they're really doing. This is so pathetic to me. You can't even be upfront about what you want? Weak. And then when women reject them (because hey, guess what? WHEN WE SAY WE JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS, WE MEAN WE JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS. THERE IS NO SECRET CODE, NO IN-BETWEEN LINES TO READ IN THAT OR SUBCONSCIOUS DESIRES WE HAVEN'T REALIZED YET (I actually got that once). WE REALLY MEAN WE JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS) they complain, complain, complain and call girls "stupid" or insinuate they are mentally challenged whores for picking the "a**hole"/actually-really-not-an-a**hole-other-guy.

In my opinion and experience, "nice guys" are simply annoying. They are whiny, self-entitled, self-centred individuals with too many insecurities that show in the way they act, speak and think and they are sore, sore losers.

Ladies and gentlemen, what do you all think? Also, do you have any "nice guy" stories?
Nice Guys Are Severely Overrated.
24 Opinion