Why does he ignore me in public?

There's this guy that I have a hugeee crush on. We have great chemistry and when we talk he shows off, tries to make me laugh, and also gives really intense eye contact (like a minute +). I've also caught him staring at me lol. However, whenever I see him in the hallways he stares at me when we're far away but when we get up close he either looks at his water, talks to his friends or just doesn't look my way. It's only when we're both alone that he'll say hi first. Sometimes if I'm walking or just standing around he'll start talking to the person next to me or behind/in front of me from across the room.

Sometimes I do say hi and he does kind of an awkward half smile and says hi back. Today I saw him staring at me in the hallways when we was talking with this girl and right before we passed he whipped out his phone and started texting (he's never done this to me tho).

I'm 16 and he's 17 and from what I've heard he either has never had a girlfriend or has only had 1. He is naturally outgoing.
Why does he ignore me in public?
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