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Questions: Girl's Behavior

What are these FLIGHT ATTENDANTS doing?

What do you think these Flight Attendants are doing? Just having fun? Or something else?
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How to be safer, when walking alone at night?

A few nights ago, I was taking a 5 minute walk back to my house, after a fun evening out with friends. A white car that was driving past me in the opposite direction, slowed down and stopped as it passed me. I ran away,...
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Anyone find it really annoying some people treat adult women as kids?

I see people call 18 or 20 year olds little girls and it's really annoying in my opinion. This is how woman are weak and grow up sheltered. I think it's sad.
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Do you think she is losing interest?

there's a girl who wants me for a long time. Few months ago we got closer. After like month I asked her out and she said yes. We kissed two times. The second kiss was last week and things were absolutely fine. But this...
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yes it is
no it is not
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What is a dumb girl like me supposed to do with her life?

This guy rejected me after I date. I wasn’t good enough for him and now he’s pursuing women who are better. He’s searching for a doctor/nurses and I feel envious. I was never smart or pretty… I wanted to be a paramedic in...
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Yes they do
No they don’t
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Girls, is it normal to find men's butts attractive?

I'm specifically talking about fit (slightly muscular), firm butts... "bubble butts" i guess. Am I weird or is it something normal? What crosses your minds when you see a good one?
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Why are girls more appreciative of random acts of kindness from guys?

I went into a coffee shop as we had a bike meet for a ride and there was a girl (nice looking) behind me waiting in line and not tied to her phone probably around 20-22 years old. We struck small talk but nothing big more...
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Is it weird for me to turn away after her hug?

So I saw my sister in law’s friend after years. I knew her since I was a teen. And she came up to me, and gave me a really weird hug. It felt sexual in a way. Like when a girl you’re dating is hugging you. And she asked...
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What are girls looking for when they put their hands in our pockets?

This is an open minded philosophical question before you get trigger happy over what it implies on first glance with the most obvious being $$$ (1) Some more answers I got so far was (2) There is less clothing layer...
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Why she has told me that?

Once I was absent at school and when I came the next day this girl in my class told me “why didn’t u come yesterday“ and then after ”u better be here tomorrow” when we were leaving, why?
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Some ex classmates are stalking my social medias after 4 years of no contact?

today i’ve been sent 4 follow requests from these people (i’ve never seen them since 2019-2020), and i still don’t know how they managed to find out about my social media, specially tiktok and twitter (the accounts are...
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Why did I get rejected?

So basically a girl at my work place is always staring and smiling at me. At first, I thought she just thought I was weird looking; I’m not particularly ugly or anything, I’m just not used to being stared at. it got so...
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Ladies, do you feel comfortable walking around your brothers in bra and panties? Why or why not?

I don’t have problem walking around in bra and panties infront of family members.
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Is he right? do you agree with him? I can't find the video above on YouTube so my apologies if you are afraid to click on links. hopefully it will show if I do it this way... . mp4 anyways I been saying...
0|1 I can't find the video above on YouTube so my apologies if you are afraid to click on links. hopefully it will show if I do it this way... Show More
he's right
he's wrong
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Is that what they were implying or not?

I jokingly told a girl how I like to get into fights when I’m drunk. She said don’t do that your face is precious. Was she saying I was good looking?
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Could the ghosting be done on purpose?

I was talking on Instagram with a girl, I sent her a message, she replied normally, then I replied and she didn't see the message. but she was watching my stories
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What should I think that my girlfriend openly criticizes something that I organize?

Every year I organize a game tournament with my friends, and there are several discussions on how the rules of the tournament should be. My girlfriend participates willingly, but showing no enthusiasm at all. She often...
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