The GAG community feels less and less like a community and just "a bunch of GAGers", and here's why


You might have noticed that a bunch of people have left. Most of them GURUs, Level 9s and MASTERs.

  • NateInAk

  • watashiwahanadesu

  • misscoffeehead

  • GalaxyHotChoc

  • Your_boss960

  • Chick180

  • mistninja314

  • ButtHoleSandwich

  • CommieDearest

  • harakiri

  • kheserthorpe

  • smokahontas

  • sammy_31

There's a reason for that. Most people choose to leave, I personally think it's better to discuss the problem. Although that's wishful thinking: the lack of discussions is part of the problem in the first place.

BEFORE WE GO ON, let's discuss what GAG used to be worth sticking around for

Everyone has thought about "hey, I spend way too much time on this site! I should probably do something else". But back then, people thought this was still a better way to spend the time. Why is that? What was what kept people here?

If you ask me, it's the discussions, the debates, the "popular" questions where someone asked an odd question, and got 20 detailed answers from each sex! But not just "what is your favorite color" type of deals.

For example, this question Why don't Islamic women realize they are being oppressed and stripped of their freedom, and instead run away and become atheists?

It got 54 opinions, but not only that, look at the lengthy discussions in opinion comments!

It's a legitimate discussion. It's a debate. People actually seemed like they cared.

Nowadays, it feels like they don't.

1. Gender-based restriction limiting the content available

The GAG community feels less and less like a community and just

I'm not sure if this needs any additional explanation, but I literally screencapped these questions next to each other on the feed, it's not photoshop or anything.

I already had a take on this, and I still think it was a terrible idea.

2. Ability to add opinions directly from the feed

The GAG community feels less and less like a community and just "a bunch of GAGers", and here's why

3. The fade-out effect on opinions that are longer than FOUR LINES (or, God forbid, uses paragraphs), essentially punishing anyone who makes a lengthy, detailed answer

The GAG community feels less and less like a community and just "a bunch of GAGers", and here's why

4. Filters and other feed changes that have made it difficult to see questions that the community finds interesting

The GAG community feels less and less like a community and just "a bunch of GAGers", and here's why

Let's list the problems here, shall we?

  • The age and sex filters are somewhat arbitrary, I hope people don't overuse it

  • Changing it to QUESTIONS makes you be able to see only "Asked" events, but you cannot see "commented on" and "updated" events

  • Changing it to ALL POSTS makes you be able to see "commented on" events as well, but it's available only on the My Feed, and it's pretty obscure and unintuitive (I had to check that just for this take to make sure, heh)

  • People who set it so they only see the questions of those they follow are going to talk to a tiny minority of people

  • If you set a filter, it doesn't actually get you any more pages, I literally had only 3 results on this page after I set these filters you see on the image (I think that's a bug.)

Mostly, the biggest problem is that the filters are not customizable. The Site Feed is not notified on "commented" events anymore and cannot be set to be that way, and also doesn't show updates! Essentially questions are dead the moment they are asked.

5. Low XPER rewards facilitate short low-effort answers, often one-sentence answers; quantity over quality (hand in hand with the fade-out effect)

The GAG community feels less and less like a community and just "a bunch of GAGers", and here's why

This is the biggest problem, people gather XPER for the sense of progression - but the only way that's possible is by making MANY answers. It doesn't matter whether that's a 2000 character answer or just a ~100 character tweet.

We are basically not answering each other, we're just writing tweets!!!


I believe the solution would be, instead of coming up with new ways how to block people from having a discussion and answering in general (anonymous people can just halt debates by blocking EVERY comment on a given opinion); we should instead try to facilitate opinion comments, discussion, communication between people.

I think OPINION COMMENTS should be rewarded by 1 XPER each.

I also think OPINIONS should be rewarded with +2 XPER if the character count is over 1000.

I think we should also remove this fade thing because it honestly makes it tedious to read anything that's longer than a three-line answer, or has paragraphs in it.

I think there should be a way to see what's been selected as Trending.

I think questions that are updated should appear on the Site Feed.

I think the customizability of the previous search conditions (ability to see where someone selected an MHO, commented, updated, etc.) was a lot better, and it should be definitely brought back.

I think GAG should facilitate asking both sexes instead of just one (+1 XPER for asking a question that's asked at both sexes).

I think GAG should focus on building the community that provides multiple points of view and engages in mature discussion, rather than facilitate creating your own little personal space where everyone's patting your back and nobody ever disagrees with you. If we stick to the same beliefs throughout our lives and rely on "that's what I've been told" rather than through actual facts, we will never improve as people.

We should just... discuss things in general. Rather than tweet at the question asker, then carry on - never bothering to read the opinions of others. Talk to each other. Discuss things.

Like in the good old days.

The GAG community feels less and less like a community and just "a bunch of GAGers", and here's why
72 Opinion