The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far


I'm not going to mention specific people(say any usernames). I'm just going talk about the types of people I've talked to on this site so far.

1.) The cliché question users

These usually include people who ask about their penis size, breast size and people who ask questions along the lines "he/she did this, does he/she like me?". There's also a trend where some guys ask if "all women are bisexual or lesbians".

Here's why I think those guys ask questions regarding women's sexuality. It's not some kind of "fantasy" or kink, it's far from that. They ask those questions because they worry that women don't actually feel attracted to men in the same way men are attracted to women. They probably hear people say "women aren't visual", so that prompts them to ask those questions.

The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far

2.) The stubborn

These people are a real nuisance. No matter how much proof you give them in a debate they continue to argue against you. They'll even block you when they realize they have nothing else to say. I once posted a take with trivia about occasions in full contact sports where smaller people won against larger people and where I explained how smaller people win against larger people. Sure enough there were a couple of people who kept disagreeing with me even though I kept showing them proof.

The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far

3.) The temporary accounts

For whatever reason, there's always people who create a account then deactivate a day later. There could be many reasons for this. It could be that they only needed to ask one question, maybe they are trolling, maybe they didn't like the site maybe they are testing the site before they actually become permanent members or maybe they got banned.

The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far

4.) The know it alls

Usually people who act as if they know everything but in reality claim misconceptions to be true. They'll get offended when you try to correct them when they are wrong. Even if you show them proof through links, they'll refuse to believe you.

The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far

5.)The misandrists

This shouldn't be surprising, they'll generalize all men with negative traits.

The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far

6.)The awkward question askers

They usually ask questions that are so awkward and embarrassing that you can't answer them. They can be sexual or random.

The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far

7.) The people that pose as the opposite sex

Obviously there's no way of proving they are posing as the opposite sex but their behavior implies they are. They usually ask sexual questions.

The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far

8.) The knowledgable

These people are actually knowledgeable, they can back up their claims through links, books, videos etc.

The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far

9.) The polite

These are my favorite, they are usually knowledgable as well. They also make interesting posts.

The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far

10.) Catfishes

I can spot a catfish fairly easily, although I'm not sure why people even bother to catfish when this is not a dating site.

The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far

The Various Types of People I've Talked to on GAG so Far
20 Opinion