MGTOW Extremists

MGTOW Extremists

MGTOW Definition to Denigration

MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way

There is no official definition of the movement’s name (perhaps because it’s a relatively new movement?), but their website, partly defines itself as:

“A statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else.”

I am going to confess, I’m a little bit disturbed by some followers of MGTOW. That’s not to say I have a real issue with MGTOW as a group. In fact, it’s empowering to see that a group of men against women’s privileges in our systems are banding together to have a voice. However, feminazis really didn’t have much luck being bitter, and I want to also bring that to the attention of the guys and girls who are jumping on board with MGTOW for the wrong reasons.

Get Smart: Fight the System, Not the Woman

As a liberated woman, it should make sense that I am not against this movement. What I am against is some men using fear tactics toward women instead of properly targeting the Big Machine that continues to unfairly expel men and rob them of their dignity and finances. Your average Jane on the street won't know what to do with your rants. But writing letters to the right powers that be, calling on the media, and organizing public protests does more for your cause than making a random woman cry who has nothing to do with anything.

As a woman, our movement decades ago was not supposed to be about breaking down gender stereotypes, but rather, giving women opportunities. If they liked it, fine. If they didn’t like it, fine. At least they could be free to try things out that were traditionally reserved for men because they were men. They still wanted to be, for all intents and purposes, feminine. This wasn’t all about voting and jobs, it was also about enjoying themselves out of the house and being able to freely express themselves without inhibitions. Well, it turned ugly. We can all see that. MGTOW has a valid purpose, but now we have misogynists hijacking the cause.

Stomp out the Hate Movement stemming from MGTOW

MGTOW – I get it. It’s almost like a clubhouse for men to bring issues to light that have been bothering them for years. We women, and society in general, haven’t given men opportunities to talk out their problems, and men found solace in MGTOW. I understand that men want to “go their own way” for all that they’ve seen and/or experienced. It’s for different reasons women have for wanting to go their way too. But some men take it steps further that parallel the hate movement that branched from feminism. Is this wise? Are men going to get anywhere combatting hate, with counter-hate?

MGTOW Extremists

These quotes that I've pieced together in this image, were just found today online from various discussion boards while researching what MGTOW-men had to say about women. Some of these attitudes are alarming. I try not to take things so seriously when someone says “all women should die” – or words to that effect. However, someone out there will take these words seriously. (As the one headline clip in the picture is from a real news story.) So yes, I am afraid when a scorned male might take their anger out on me for another woman's shortcomings.

Women should be afraid of MGTOW extremists. Fearing that someone thinks we are all not worth the dirt under their shoes is something to be on guard with, just as it was for men when women declared a big hate-on for them calling it the new feminism.

And to take one step further, to protect both the men and women involved—women should not offer or agree to casual sex, nor have a Friends with Benefits arrangement with hard-nosed MGTOW men either. I strongly suggest women read more in to what MGTOW men have as expectations for themselves (and for you) so that you can make an educated decision if you are willing to never have full commitment with such a man. Women who think these men will change, may find themselves quite hurt when they learn they won't.

Where did the MGTOW guys come from?

I am not opposed to a man going it alone. I understand that in my generation (and the Boomers), impulsive marriages led to many divorces, as the young men who are almost old enough to be my sons are now reeling from the aftermath of how messy divorces were for their dads. I recognize the age group of these young men, most of them teens to mid-twenties. They were brought up in my generation’s poor choices for settling with an incompatible spouse or giving up on marriage too quickly. These are their parents. The system failed men, especially after the feminist-movement fought so hard to gain equality, but a lot of family law fell through the cracks. I’m sorry this happened.

I understand that men want to go their own way, and no one is stopping them. Go. Be free, love your life and live it the way you want to. I support any guy or girl who chooses to remain single for any reason (it seems reasons as of late are because they are frightful of what might happen to their wallets). But insulting and striking fear in to every woman, and generalizing women as being evil is not necessary, and is in fact unwarranted. Insulting and humiliating men who want to be free to go search for relationships is also not okay.

What business is it of another man to tell a random stranger online how to live their life based on their experience or ideals, shaming them if they don’t agree? How right is it to demean and embarrass any man or woman who chooses to live the life they want? Did feminazis not try this and fail?

Just some things to think about.

MGTOW Extremists
Post Opinion