There are no nice guys or bad boys there are just people!!!

there are no nice guys or bad boys there are just people!!!

For the longest time I've read so many questions and myTakes based on categories of people which is ridiculous. There are only people who care about different things.

The Bad Boy

This person is described this way because of his attitude toward others and rules. This is based upon them caring more about themselves then other people around them and being extroverted. This guy usually speaks his mind doesn't care how he sounds and goes after whatever he wants. Him not caring about others usually ends with him getting his way because he's generally not afraid to step on others. Women find this appealing be a use this shows clear signs of him being able to be a provider and protector IF they can get him to care about them. These guys seem to be more dominant and confident due to their lack of care for others.

The (Fake) Nice Guy

This is another person who has themselves first but lacks the ability to outright go for what they want. This person will generally try to use kindness to manipulate in order to get what they want. This often fails with women because they see someone who is not very efficient at getting what they want.

The Actual Nice Guy

This is a person who cares about others and will put what they want on hold to make others happy. This in theory is what women want because it shows a loving nature that women appreciate. However when applied in the real world appears as a huge weakness and makes those who are this way seem unfit to provide or protect. When in reality this can drive these people to actually do what the (bad boy) will do to see their loved ones happy.


I tend to care a lot about others. I will always help and support those around me but won't break myself doing it. I go for what I want unless it hurts the ones I care about. I can't date someone who doesn't show interest in me and can't do a job that harms others. I do what I enjoy and don't care what others think. I want to provide for a family someday and can't to meet someone I can share all aspects of my life with. Like most people I have parts of myself taken from all three of these categories. I'm not extroverted so I go unnoticed and can't pursue someone that doesn't seem interested. I have insecurities that hold me back but like everyone I'm working on them. Confidence is the one thing I'm lacking that will open a world of opportunity for me. I fit into the nice guy role the most so I seem weak and not very appealing. Once I feel confident in truly being myself things will change.


We all take from these three categories and depending on which ones you pull from more that will be your label. It's ridiculous but that's how the world works. Just own who are and be yourself and you'll go far. There is no secret to dating its just finding a person who shares similar goals and likes things about you.

There are no nice guys or bad boys there are just people!!!
Post Opinion