3 Things Guys May Do That Annoy Their Girlfriends


3 Things guys may do that annoy their girlfriends

I am writing this because even though I do really like my boyfriend, there are certain things he does that drives me insane (and not in a good way). Some of my friends have the same or similiar problems with their boyfriends and though I have spoke to him about some of these things, some still continue and drive me up the wall.

1. Taking forever to reply back (especially with no explanation)

This one is annoying because it makes us feel unwanted. It is understandable sometimes, I am not saying you have to message your girlfriend every second of the day and I understand you can be busy but it is very frustrating when we have to wait hours inbetween every message. Not only does this make us feel like you don't really want us there, it also makes us panic about other things. If we are in the middle of a conversation and suddenly you've dissapeared without explanation for two hours we may wonder why that is. Do you not love us anymore and are trying to break if of slowly? Are you busy talking to another girl? Do we annoy you? Do you want us to leave you alone? Are you just not that into us?

We go through all sorts of worries. I understand you guys have a life outside of us but at least tell us if you are going to take a while to reply just so we are not stressing. After all, you wouldn't do that in real life would you? I hope you wouldn't. Imagine a couple in a house together having a conversation and then one of them leaving out of nowhere:

Bf: Hello

Gf: Hi, come in *opens door*

Bf: How are you?

Gf: I'm good thanks, how are you?

Bf: I'm good thanks

Gf: How is work?

Bf: Not bad, got a day of on Wednesday, what about you?

Gf: Oh cool, I have Wednesday and Friday of, maybe we could do something.

Bf: *Gets up and walks out the door without saying anything*

Imagine the boyfriend then later returning like nothing happened:

Bf: *comes back inside 2 and a half hours* Yeah sure, do you want to come over wednesday?

Do you see how annoying that would be? Now if the boyfriend gave an explanation or at least said he had to go for a bit before leaving, it would have been perfectly acceptable. See that scenario SHOULD have gone more like this:

Bf: Hello

Gf: Hi, come in *opens door*

Bf: How are you?

Gf:I'm good thanks, how are you?

Bf: I'm good thanks

Gf: How is work?

Bf: Not bad, got a day of on Wednesday, what about you?

Gf: Oh cool, I have Wednesday and Friday of, maybe we could do something.

Bf: Sure, hey sorry but I have to go now. Sorry I couldn't stay for long but I promised my brother I'd go out with him for a bit today. I'll come back and talk later.

Gf: Okay

Bf: See you later *Walks out of house and returns a few hours later*.

Do you guys understand what I am saying here?

2. Ignoring us for video games

Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against video games and I am fine with my boyfriend playing them as much as he wants - I'm not going to stop him if that's what he enjoys doing. I just find it irritating when I am visiting and would like a hug from him or something but can't because he is on his video games. Last time I was at his house I remember really wanting a hug from him but he was on his laptop so I just rested my head on his shoulder instead. He seemed to smile when I did that and pointed it out but then told me I might want to move because he was going to play one of his more voilent games and didn't want to swing his elbow out and hit me or anything. I could hardly hug him if he was in the middle of a voilent game with a controller in his hands could I? I never did get my hug in the end and kind of wondered why I was even there since he seemed more interested in playing his games anyway. I know I am partly to blame since I could have just asked but was too shy to, but what is the point of me even being there if he wasn't even going to make a move?


3. Telling us what to wear

I don't mind this if I actually ask your opinion or you're just suggesting something, but if you are straight up telling me what to wear then that is a different story. There is a difference between saying "I think you look nice in a dress and flats" and "Wear a dress next time we meet up and no boots please" and the second is what my boyfriend once said to me but has since apologized.

What we wear is really up to us, as long as it's appropriate there should be nothing wrong with that. You probably wouldn't like it if your girlfriend demanded you wore a suit everytime you met up with them and weren't allowed to wear your favourite shoes.

I know not all guys do these things and some girls are guilty of doing them too. I am just trying to point them out to the people that do do them so they can understand how the other person feels and possibly try to stop doing them.

I know from this it may sound like my boyfriend is not a very good one (And I probably sound a bit annoying myself!) but that is only because I am looking at annoying things he does in this MyTake. I will write another one at a later date about things boyfriends do that I love too and thank you for reading as I know this was long, I am sorry for any grammar mistakes.

3 Things Guys Do That Their Girlfriends Like

3 Things Guys May Do That Annoy Their Girlfriends
25 Opinion