Being a FATHER is the most important job in the world

Yes you heard me right... FATHER.

You may constantly see people like Oprah state things like "a Mother is the most important job in the world", backed with unsubstantiated claims and fabricated reasoning. You may see most media ads pushing mothers as brilliant super hero's while portraying dads as bumbling idiots.

We live in a society where any negative suggestions or criticism of women is met with massive backlash while bashing men is a completely acceptable practice, So we are expected to ignore facts and blindly follow the "girl power" initiative, patting women on the back even when statistically men deserve it.

In the world where facts matter, Fatherhood has the most important and drastic effects on the world as a whole.

Being a FATHER is the most important job in the world.

Kids without the influence of fathers are a high percentage of youth suicides, homeless youth, substance abusers, youth with behavioral issues, school drop outs, youth in prison and institutions, and juvenile crime. They are more likely to be victims of child abuse, to suffer physical, emotional, or educational neglect at home without a father.

Girls without a Father are 53% more likely to marry as teenagers, 711% more likely to have children as teenagers, and 92% more likely to get divorced (feeding the cycle of fatherless children).

Being a FATHER is the most important job in the world

Fathers are a major factor in a better society.

Children with fathers are more likely to do well in school, have healthy self esteem, exhibit empathy and pro-social behavior, and avoid high-risk behaviors such as drug use, truancy, and criminal activity compared to children without fathers.

Studies on parent-child relationships and child well-being show that father love is an important factor in predicting the social, emotional, and cognitive development and functioning of children and young adults.

There are many cognitive benefits of a father which can be attributed to the above statistics...

- Studies show children benefit more and get better language skills from their father reading them bedtime stories over a mother.

- Dad's let kids take more risks. Allowing children to become more independent.

- Dad's are more playful, they are more apt to play just like the kids do.

- Dad's wait before jumping in to stop a situation like arguments. Teaching children how to deal with situations on their own. Where mom usually mediates to prevent "hurt feelings".

- Dad is more strict and gives tough love with discipline in contrast to a mama's over-analysis of (and talk about) the situation. Kids learn consequence and respect.

- Dad's allow kids to go "off schedule" more often, missing a nap or staying up late. Kids need this once in a while. They feel empowered, special. They know it's a privilege and it strengthens the relationship with the child and the parent.

Being a FATHER is the most important job in the world

SO the next time you see a "Dad is stupid, Mom is a hero" TV ad or Show... or if you hear Someone like Oprah rant about how motherhood is the most important job in the world... You can let them pat themselves on the back if it makes them feel good about themselves, but understand the difference between fabrication and fact.

Being a FATHER is the most important job in the world

*And for those who jump in to try and shame "absent fathers" as an excuse to ignore the above post, please note that a large percentage of absent fathers are absent because the mother makes it that way.

Being a FATHER is the most important job in the world

Links to all the stated reports and studies

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Being a FATHER is the most important job in the world
Post Opinion