A Guy's Body Language When He Likes You More Than A Friend

A Guy's Body Language When He Likes You More Than A Friend

If you are unsure that a certain guy likes you or not, or if your crush likes you or not, or if you are too shy to ask him the question: Do You Like Me? Some people prefer asking each other quickly, but you don't, right?

You can figure it out if he likes you or not by this Take. Here, I'll write some signs (my experience! 😏) he shows when he likes you.

1. He smiles at you

Yes, it is natural to smile at something or someone we like, but if he smiles way too much than normally he used to, or he smiles every time you make eye contact with him, that means he likes you. The more often he smiles, the more obvious he likes you (Remember that some men dislike smiling, and if he's one of them, this doesn't apply to him).

2. He maintains eye contact with you

He would maintain eye contact with you while talking to you and wouldn't break it.

3. He stares at you

You will catch him staring at you - at your face, most of the times. If he stares at your breasts or buttocks - most of the times - he's just lusting after you. If you catch him staring at you, he'll either: Look away or hold the stare. Confident men hold the stare. I have always seen a guy hold the stare. He would stare at you when it seems that you aren't looking.

4. He stands a little too close

If he's standing too close while talking to you, or is leaning towards you, that's the major sign he likes you.

A Guy's Body Language When He Likes You More Than A Friend

5. He never turns his back to you

He will always be focused you, and wouldn't turn his back to you.

6. His legs, feet and toes are pointed towards you

Just like fifth sign, his whole body would be in front of you, shoulder square!

7. He stands taller

He would may stand taller to appear more masculine and manly, he would puff out his chest.

8. He would mirror you while talking to you or staring at you

If you cup your own chin, he would do it too, if you ruffle your own hair, he would too.

9. He touches you

Like guiding you through a way while putting a hand on your shoulder. More physical contact, more obvious that he likes you. BUT... If he's touching your most private parts like breasts, vagina or buttocks (Ew... Creepy!), he's just lusting after you.

10. He raises his eyebrows

He would raise his eyebrows more in a response while talking to you.

11. He wants to appear good-looking

If his hair was a mess and he was slouching before you entered the room and soon started fixing his hair and clothes, it means he likes you. See, he was comfortable being messy around others, but as soon as you came, he started fixing himself.

A Guy's Body Language When He Likes You More Than A Friend

12. He looks at you for reaction every time when he does something funny

You would be the first person he looks at after cracking a joke or doing something else funny, and if you smile or laugh, he would smile back or laugh, too!

13. His behaviour changes

If he was being loud and rowdy with his friends before you entered, he would soon calm down and become a silent person.

14. He treats you differently

Notice how he treats his friends and you. If he's blunt honest to them, he would may reduce his bluntness when it comes to you.

15. He gets jealous

He would seem annoyed or angered when he sees you talking with other guys, or he would even glare at the guy you are talking BUT many guys hide jealousy well. He would pretend he's not.

16. He watches you while he flirts with some other girl

He's testing the waters, he wants to know how would you react if you see him flirting with someone else.

17. He hangs around a little longer

If everyone else was leaving and you were still inside, he would stay inside for you.

A Guy's Body Language When He Likes You More Than A Friend

18. He takes one last look at you

If he's leaving earlier, he would glance at you for the last time before leaving. He would also stare at you if you were leaving.

19. He notices your presence very firstly

You would be the very first person he looks at when he enters the place where you are (C'mon! He was eager to see you!).

20. His most private parts

Men do this thing unconsciously; they would sit with legs spread in front of you. His genital - 'I am a fertile male'. Even he wouldn't realize that he's sitting with his legs spread!


- He suddenly stands up when you enter the room!

- He touches his face while talking with you.

- He would fiddle with his clothes if he's nervous.

- He'll let you see him checking out your body occasionally - by staring at you from head to toe (I like what I see!).

- He stands up with his hands on his hips.

- He looks at your mouth (especially lips) more (He's thinking of kissing you).

A Guy's Body Language When He Likes You More Than A Friend
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