The 10 Symptoms of a F*ckboy

The 10 Symptoms of a F*ckboy

I wish I would've had a heads-up before wasting my time with half the guys I have.

1. He makes degrading jokes about women.

If he doesn't respect other women, you're no exception.

2. He's constantly trying to get you in bed or have you send nudes.

This one's especially important if you've already told him you're not interested. Those are clear signs the only thing he cares about is sex and has very little respect for what you want.

3. The only time his interest in you peaks is when you're talking about sexual stuff.

If a conversation can't last without the talk of something raunchy... boop.

4. He treats you right when you're alone together but not in public

Real men treat their women good all the time not just in public. This is super toxic and if you're currently dealing with it RUN!

5. He acts like a totally different person in front of his friends.

This one's pretty similar to the last but just as important. Being cold and distant in front of the guys is a tactic that should've been left in high school.

6. Constantly blowing off plans but still trying to hit you up at night.

If he can't show face for a date or dinner with the family but he can still hit you up for a booty call then you know where his priorities are.

7. Instead of admitting he did something wrong he just tells you what you want to hear.

That's very manipulative and immature behavior. Communication is key. If he can't do something as simple as admit what he did wrong or talk out his issues with you then it was doomed from the start.

8. If he gets personally offended by the term fuckboy.

A word is a word and if he's not a fuckboy it shouldn't mean much to him, right?

9. If you've been dating for awhile and none of his friends seem to know who you are.

He doesn't have to write a best selling book about you but if his friends are under the impression he's a single man, who's to say he's not still acting like one?

10. If he disappears for days at a time without any explanation.

"Where have you been for the passed few days?" "Uhhh, around?" Tisk, tisk. Nothing good ever came from that especially if it's a repeating issue.

This was pretty therapeutic to write. If it helps anyone who comes across it that's cool too. Guys, if you disagree then with which part and why? Girls, feel free to add anything I might have missed.

The 10 Symptoms of a F*ckboy
The 10 Symptoms of a F*ckboy
34 Opinion