Why Men Rule the World


*Disclaimer: an opinion to start discussion*

The Intro
Men rule society because we're willing to compromise individuality on a mass scale. Men like being unique to an extent, but we're less variable (for math nerds: we have a smaller standard deviation :-)) than women; we don't mind being generalized as much, and we may see similarities among men as a thing to be desired rather than a thing to be shunned. Don't believe me? Analyze the following scenario:

Person A is wearing a red shirt. Person B is wearing the same red shirt. You tell Person B that they're wearing the same shirt as Person A. How does Person B feel?

I imagine your answer would change based on whether Persons A and B are men or women. Men are pushed and pulled to conform, and we do it willingly.

Why Men Rule the World

The Push
Critical thought about social norms is discouraged among men. In other words, if a guy has an opinion that differs from social norms, he's more likely to think that he has a problem rather than think society at large has a problem. For example, a guy who knows he's insecure may lament about how women don't appreciate insecure guys, but he's not gonna try to start a campaign convincing anyone to give insecure guys a chance. Instead, an insecure guy will either try and be more confident, or he'll recognize that he has a trait that isn't attractive to most women. You see this type of "concession to reality" a lot. Some guys who get repeatedly rejected will just give up on women (or men) altogether, and the big is beautiful movement doesn't have many male representatives.

Fairness isn't much of a sticking point among men either. For example, most men believe that if they do a bad job, they should be compensated worse than someone else similarly situated [1]. We recognize that some guys will be better with women; some guys will be smarter; some will make more money, etc. Thus, we stratify ourselves and form hierarchies. Although hierarchies may not seem conducive to unity, there are enough different hierarchies within a man's life (e.g. who's best at video games, who's most athletic, who's most punctual, etc.) that he's bound to feel dominant at something among his peers, which eases tension and senses of inferiority.

A sense of inferiority, conversely, is why men are more willing to fall in line with other men's beliefs. We fall in line at the risk of being ostracized (e.g. being called a wimp, sissy, etc.) by both men AND women. For instance, there are men who don't like sports and sex, but you'd be hard-pressed to find a guy excited to differentiate himself on those grounds (especially to other guys, note the defensiveness in the meme)

Why Men Rule the World

The Pull
Men yearn for purpose. It's why most men embrace their preconceived societal roles (protector, provider, etc.) relatively more than women do, even if those roles may be outdated. I imagine it's why a lot of men get discouraged when their lady makes more money than them; divorce rates rise when wives make more than their husbands [2]. Most men hate feeling useless, especially in a relationship.

Even single men hate feeling useless. Men commit suicide in mass numbers during economic downturns [3], and societies are more likely to have civil wars when we're unemployed en masse [4]. Men like having a role, and when society gives them one, they don't argue with it. Hell, men will put their own life on the line if they're given a purpose to do so. Men have joined militaries over millennia only to be a private on the front lines . . . and enjoy it [5].

Why Men Rule the World

The Conclusion
Women are individuals whereas men are an entity. Neither style is better nor worse than the other. In fact, men's desire for conformity makes us easily predictable, hyper-nationalistic, and even dangerous at times. On the other hand, it allows us to easily coordinate our beliefs, and unity of opinion has a way of swaying societies. Some women lament that all men think the same, but is that necessarily a bad thing? Men run the world because we move as one.

The Sources:
[1] https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/08/why-women-prefer-working-together-and-why-men-prefer-working-alone/278888/
[2] https://www.npr.org/2015/02/08/384695833/what-happens-when-wives-earn-more-than-husbands
[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4151136/
[4] https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Staveteig.pdf
[5] https://www.sussex.ac.uk/webteam/gateway/file.php?name=2-harman-the-truth-about-men-in-the-front-line&site=15

Why Men Rule the World
37 Opinion