The Semi Collapse of the Patriarchal Society... And Now Men Are Mad!

The Semi Collapse of the Patriarchal Society... And Now Men Are Mad!

Since the dawn of most early civilizations, men ruled the world. Period. They made sure everything solely benefited themselves.

Who could own land? Men!
Who could wealth be passed down to? Men!
Who could get an education? Men!
Who could vote? Men!
Who could decide who their daughters married? Men!
Who could work at a job outside of the home? Men!
Who were the political and royal leaders of the world? Men!

The Semi Collapse of the Patriarchal Society... And Now Men Are Mad!

It's now 2023, centuries later, and men put it lightly...upset that their plans have fallen apart. I've read long passages on how unfair it is that women now have more prevalence in education, and how disgusting it is that women don't want to raise children anymore and are responsible for the "destruction of families," and how upset men are because more and more women are taking up positions of power.

The Semi Collapse of the Patriarchal Society... And Now Men Are Mad!

See what happens when you don't share? No one is going to play second fiddle for long. Every attempt in the world to suppress and deny someone rights and freedoms, eventually collapses when unsurprisingly the other side takes umbrage with the fact that there is no reason to actually deny them the rights to do these things.

Men talk about lack of fairness in relation to women with an absolute denial of history itself. You want to know how unfair life was and still is around the world for women---open a history book and turn to any page or even current ones where a government is deciding what a woman can do with her own body while simultaneously many of these same men who support this don't want a government deciding they "have to" get Covid vaccines because it's their body.

The Semi Collapse of the Patriarchal Society... And Now Men Are Mad!

Women didn't just wake up yesterday and get rights. This has been centuries in the making to get to the point we are today and the battle still rages because in many other countries women are still treated as property, they can't get a passport on their own, are denied education, paid less, have no say in how they dress or who they marry, rape is not prosecuted, are being sold off for bride prices as children---but still some men think it's far more unfair how they are treated because a woman won't give them the time of day in a bar? Really? Make it make sense!

I've said my last point dozens of times in a dozen of conversations on the matter, but people in general are hard of hearing apparently (and I'm sure few of them will read this point). Women did not get rights by 'just' complaining online or into the ether. If something is unfair to you, you have to do the work, campaign, get women and men on your side, get the votes, make it a hot button issue however you can otherwise no one will care as much as you do and nothing will get done.

The Semi Collapse of the Patriarchal Society... And Now Men Are Mad!

I DO actually agree that in terms of men's rights, there are certain things that need to change or be altered, but rarely if ever have I come across a man who complains as hard and as long as they like to online, that has actually made any real world effort to effect change except just to repeat how unfair life is. Yeah, welcome to the world, take a seat! It's just so much easier to blame women for everything and call it a day and paint men as saints that have never done anything historically or currently to hurt women when we KNOW men and women BOTH do hurtful things, both take advantage, both need rights. You want change, your angry rant in the vacuum of an online forum isn't going to do it, nor is joining a group that purports freedom from all women, and neither is just repeating your feelings of blame and/or hatred towards women. If that worked, you would have the rights you want already.

The Semi Collapse of the Patriarchal Society... And Now Men Are Mad!
24 Opinion