The Reason Men Don't Do Nice Things for Pregnant Women and Why CHIVALRY IS DYING

The Reason Men Don't Do Nice Things for Pregnant Women and Why CHIVALRY IS DYING

I'm pretty sure with what I'm about to say, most if not all men will agree with me, and women need to listen up if they want men to be "real man", and I'm about to drop a truth bomb so big you might think you are in Afghanistan.

So I just watched this video:

And then this video:

So men don't know how women feel, so here's a panel of only women to tell you all about how men feel, are you fucking kidding me. So here I am on GAG of all places so I can be the guy to put the real truth out there.
Men don't do nice things to pregnant women because men tend to feel like we're taking a leap of faith when we do because of the chances of her not being actually pregnant and we might feel bad or even worse get bitched out by her, kinda like this:

and men just stop taking their chances because who wants to get bitched out and embarrassed, especially when you are trying to do something nice.

Chivalry in men is dying mostly because of mean bitchy women. Look ladies, you can't be a total bitch and expect chivalry from men, you can't have it both ways. Of course I'm not talking about all women, I'm talking about the ones who yells at men who try doing nice things, they berate men who open doors for them or help them with their coat and yell "I CAN DO IT MYSELF!!", when a man pulls up a chair for them they purposely go to the other chair and make him feel like an ass, women who do those types of things, and they might think it's funny or trying to "empower" women, and if you are one of these women who do this, JUST STOP!!! Seriously, your the equivalent of the dickheads who do shit like this:

And if your thinking "It's supposed to be funny, can we just have fun?" Well there's a fine line between joking around and being a jackoff, and if your discouraging men from being real gentlemen and embarrassing them when they try, your being a jackoff. I know that this is a minority group of women, but men can only deal with it so many time before he gives up, and it could take just one bitch to completely discourage a man. So if you want men be a proper gent, be nice and kindly appreciate their acts of chivalry. When he helps you with your jacket, let him and say thank you, if he pulls your chair out take his offer and sit in the chair, and if he thought you were pregnant and your not KINDLY let him know and still thank him for his offer.

OK, I think I may have gotten carried away a little, but I hope you understand what I mean. Also, notice I said chivalry is "dying" because I don't think chivalry is completely dead yet, help keep it alive by sharing this to your GAG friends and telling people about this issue and we can save chivalry and encourage men to be proper gentlemen.

The Reason Men Don't Do Nice Things for Pregnant Women and Why CHIVALRY IS DYING
The Reason Men Don't Do Nice Things for Pregnant Women and Why CHIVALRY IS DYING
53 Opinion