10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys


Guys are not as complicated as you think. When you start over analyzing why he does what he does, then it could mean you don’t have mutual chemistry. You will end up hurting yourself creating all these imaginary situations when all you have to do is ask him what’s up. Or if you like him, just tell him how you feel. The worst answer is no. It will hurt like a bitch but hey life goes on. Embrace your pretty self and move on… Chances are; there will be one guy out there who will love you for you. So let’s break down the most common misconceptions about guys.

1. All they care about is sex.

Sex and nothing else… Untrue. Guys are still humans and they have a heart that beats and loves. Deep down that masculine exterior is a teddy bear who wants to love and be loved. So go ahead and love him to death! There are lots of things going through a man’s mind. Besides sex, they also think about finances, family matter, relationship problems, sports, work stress, kids, and politics and so on.

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys

2. Big boys don’t cry.

Untrue. Big boys as they are, they do have moments, they break down and cry. There is nothing unmanly about letting your pain flow through your tears. They too hurt just like girls. They may not show it, but they do. So give them a hug and let them know you care. Ask him how he’s feeling and what can you do to help. Everyone needs a hand sometimes.

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys

3. They don’t care about your feelings.

False. Every time you cry, they do care. They just don’t know how to comfort you. When you’re upset, they sometimes clam up because they don’t want to make it worse. When you’re in a mood to fight, sometimes they “ignore” you because they want to diffuse the situation instead of fighting back.

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys

4. They don’t want a relationship.

There are many reasons why they don’t want to be in a relationship. Maybe they aren’t ready for one. Or they’re already with someone or like someone else. When they say they don’t want a relationship is because they don’t want a relationship WITH YOU or just not into you. If a guy wants you to be their gf/wife, he will let surely let you know by his words and actions.

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys

5. They don’t talk much.

False. Guys are loud when you get them started. They can talk about every topic under the sun when you are able to get them out of their shell. So if he’s quiet around you or doesn’t talk much in the conversation, chances are, he’s really shy or he isn’t comfortable around you and doesn’t trust you. Even the shyest of all guys turn into a chatterbox when he really likes your company or when it's about a topic he's passionate about.

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys

6. They send mixed signals.

When you get a hot and cold vibe from a guy, it simply means he is unsure of his true feelings for you. So stop guessing and just ask him if he likes you or not so you save yourself from sleepless nights and popping acne. If he really wants you, you won’t even have to guess. He will tell you and his body won’t lie. If he teases you jokingly, he likes you. If he seeks your attention, he likes you.If he ghosts you or gets into a relationship with another girl, he was never really into you to begin with. If he was, you would be in her place locking eyes with him and walking while holding hands watching the sunset together.

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys

7. Men are visual creatures.

Yes they are. Who doesn’t like to see a pretty woman walking down the street? But pretty face doesn’t necessarily mean pretty heart. Looks fade, true beauty doesn’t. Some males are more into looks and reputation. Some are for true love.

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys

8. They don’t notice anything.

When you dress up nice, got a new do and your nails done, they may not say anything but they notice everything… You get frustrated when your man doesn’t compliment you, because to him you’re beautiful either way so it doesn’t make a difference. You might think he isn’t looking but he is secretly checking you out. But guys would rather zip it than give a beautiful hot female a compliment for the fear of coming across as thirsty, creepy, catcaller or desperate.

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys

9. They’re supposed to be strong and act like men.

Men do get hurt too. Their ego bruised and hurt when society ridicules them of their low paying income, of how they look, of their failed relationships, etc. Society painted men as strong and solid to be the foundation of a home. Hence the saying, be a man. But people forget they too are just like every other human, we all have feelings. Men are not robots. Give a man a compliment and praise him for doing his best. A little compliment goes a long way.

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys

10. Guys aren’t complicated as you think.

They say what they mean and mean what they say. When they say yes, they mean yes. When they say no, they mean no. If he says he loves you and shows it, believe him. If he says otherwise and gives all these excuses why he can’t be with you, and then move on sister. If he’s quiet and needs space, give it to him. He will talk to you when he’s ready. If he’s happy, then celebrate with him.

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys

It doesn’t take a genius to read what a man is thinking. He will only reveal his true self and feelings to you if he trusts you and comfortable being with you… If you want him, tell him. If you want to be just friends with him when he wants more, be honest with him. If you don’t want him, say no and don’t use the friendship line to cushion his feelings. If he compliments you, say thank you. Don’t say eww just because he’s not your type.

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys

Whether you like it or not, we need men in this world. I personally feel safer knowing there’s a man in the house. They provide me the feeling of security. Let them feel appreciated. To all the males reading this article, thank you and I hope this article clear up some misconceptions the world perceived about you.

Thanks for the time reading.

XO Pinay_Ako

10 Most Common Misconceptions about Guys
91 Opinion