Embarrassed by my own. Guys, time to wake up!


Before I start let me clear that this is targeting SOME guys. NOT ALL of them, but for more than it should be!

There isn't a single question that doesn't have something in the lines of "All women are evil", "Chivilary is dead because of the modern women", "Women can't fight their nature", "Feminism killed masculinity", etc etc etc.

I need to calm down, I am almost yelling as I write this! I am going to adress every issue. Nothing of what I am going to say here is new. There have been plenty of women here complaining about this and even a few guys. The ladies already made some posts about it. Now I reached the point where I am to embarassed by my own to not leting them have a piece of my mind! So it's guys turn to try to wake our brothers up!

That is me on the right and you on the left! Open that PC and take notes!
That is me on the right and you on the left! Open that PC and take notes!


They are bad? We are way worse guys!
They are bad? We are way worse guys!

I am sorry it hurted when that girl laughed at you for asking her out. I know that you get angry when you hear about a guy that got cheated on and still lost his house, money, kids and will to live on the divorce. Guess what we all fell that way! And you know who else? Girls! Ya girls! They also get hurted when their boyfriends cheat on them and rub it in their faces after. They also feel angry when two guys rape a girl in the bathrrom, there is proof of it all, but they are set free because it was a case of "mutual seduction" (this was a recent event in my country).

People are evil and the world is not fair! So yes shit happens! Bad people hurt others. Women do it, men do it! Stop generalising and victimizing yourself it's pathetic. You look like those mental feminazis on the street claiming a guy raped them for looking at them.


Feeling like a boss!
Feeling like a boss!

I want every guy that thinks chivalry it's just another social norm to benefit women to get inside a cabin, together with every girl that thinks that for some reason it's a concept that opresses them. Please all get insed get nice and confortable while I block the exists and set it on fire!

Forget that ancient defenition of chivalry. Today is just being a polite and well mannered gentleman. It is not some social norm to appeal to women! I feel manly as hell doing this. I am the man! Being chivalrous is just being a boss ass man! Yes, that includes paying for dinner, holding a door for her and other sympathies. I once runned more than five minuts in heavy rain just to get my car to a restaurant entrance, just so my girlfriend wouldn't get wet since we didn't had an umbrella. Are you afraid that because of feminism women will dislike this and be offended and yell at you? Great no second date bullet dodged! See how easy it is?


If you don't have this you don't feel like a man?
If you don't have this you don't feel like a man?

I need to talk about this next to get one thing straight! If a girl pay the bill, hold the door, makes more money than you, is smarter than you, is stronger than you, makes the first move and talk back at you instead of just shuting up do you feel less of a men? If you do my friend I am so sorry for the departure of your testicles! I had a guy call me a cuckold just because my fiancee makes more money than me!

Do you need to have a clear superiority to her in everything or else you don't feel masculine? Do you need to have a woman under your control to feel like a man? Then you have no idea of what your worth as a man is! We are here to be more than physical protectors and providers. They don't admit it, but even strong independent women are way more emotional than us. So that feeling, that will that you have inside to protect and provide comes here! Be the her emotional pilar, be the voice of reason and no matter how bad things are you provide them with your support and logical thinking. Stay strong with your head up and so will she. We have a fire inside of us that they use to keep themselves warm! Use it!


This is the wrong path!
This is the wrong path!

Those groups are traps for the week, the wounded and the stupid. Just because there is a group of people that thinks like you doesn't mean thay are right! There is a very big group of people that actually believes the earth is flat! Look I get it, they make people feel like they are not alone and that what happened so far wasn't their fault. That can be really apealing. But it's nothing more than closing your eyes to reallity to ease your pain.

They talk about reallity, that in reallity girls can't escape their "female nature". So they only stay with you until a better one comes along, that they are not capable of love, they just want chad/alphas, etc. Do you want to recieve reallity? Here it is... You don't get girls because you are not good enough! Ya I said it! Do you really think that just because you are nice girls want you? That being a lazy ass is going to get you anywhere? No! The hardest thing in the world is looking in the mirror, admit it "I suck!" and after that fighting with all you have to suck less. Been there done that! Start working out, read more, get a hobbie outside, learn a skill, do something! Anything, but blaming the world instead of yourself! Do you want a good girlfirend? Turn yourself into the best boyfriend first!


This needs to stop!
This needs to stop!

This one was one of my inspirations to write this. In a week I saw two almost 40's year old men, on diferent questions, going mental on 18 and 19 year old girls for admiting that they liked sex. Calling them pieces of garbage among other things. I need a deep breath... The fact they were old enough to be their fathers and they should have more maturity than to get triggered by basically kids is sureal. Besides that, two options here. Either they were cheated on before or they envy how easy it is for girl to have sex.

Slut shaming is a way to control women sexual impulses so that some men don't feel so bad. Then they use as an excuse that they have no morals, that they don't want used goods, bla bla bla. A women 's sexual history doesn't define her dating value! It's just sex! Doesn't change anything about you. Zero. None. Everyone has the right to have as much consented sex as they want. As long as they are not cheating and taking proper precautions there is nothing wrong with it. The amount of sexual partners a women had has nothing to do with her being a loving, caring and faithful girlfriend or not! And that is final!


Know your worth and hold them responsable for what they do.
Know your worth and hold them responsable for what they do.

Stop licking the floor they step on! That is the basic point. Yes because in this topic you need a slap on the other direction! So much hate, but a girl smiles at you once and you are begging for her to do it again. It's pathetic! Do you know what is funny? It's not their fault that they feel like they don't need to put any effort to get a guy. It's not their fault that they think they can get away with anything. It's our's! We are to blame for this because we give them to much attention and we do let them get away with anything! Do you want to know what to do? It's easy say "fuck it" more often, have some freaking pride and hold them responsable for what they do. To be more especific:

-> Stand up for yourself! If she disrespect you I don't care how perfect her tits are you act on it!

-> Say no! Say no a lot! You have no idea the power this word can have on them. Test it!

-> Know your worth! That means if you called her twice and she doesn't call back for a long time you say "fuck it". If and when she calls back make her work for it now.

That means if they don't treat you right and expect you do give them the world, say "fuck it" and dump them.

-> Don't give them so much attention! What do you think that would happen to girls on Instagram if guys stopped liking their pics? They love that attention. Make it stop and watch them hunt for it. Works with sex too!

-> Hold them accontable for what they do. If they yell at you, yell back. If they punch you in the face, give them a punch in the face! And if they screw up don't let them get away with it by blowing you!

Don't think that I am insulting women with this! They are awsome, but like I said bad people exist so let's act according to that.


I am waiting a lot of anger for this. Coming from guys and girls. Well bring it! I will defend my ideas against all of you if I need to!

I know that nothing will change and that this is bound to happen as long as there are weak minded guys out there. Still I needed to get this out of my sistem. I am happy if this gave some light to a single guy. Women are not monsters. They bite, but in a good way. And if needed we can bite harder my friends. They can be the best in your lives. Let them and stand tall and pride right beside them.

Thank you for your attention.

Embarrassed by my own. Guys, time to wake up!
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