I feel for my own. Guys, I get why you get frustrated

Time to adress this...
Time to adress this...

I made a take some time ago. It talked about guys bad behaviour towards women and it was kind of a slap in the face for some.

Embarrassed by my own. Guys, time to wake up!

I got a lot hate from guys who strongly disagreed with me and felt attacked. Also got support other guys and girls tired of some guys bad behaviour.

Since I made one take bashing my own for their bad behaviour, I think I should make one acknowledging their pain. This changes nothing about my other Take! Of course not, nothing at all! I stand for everything that is there! I just want to say, yes guys have reasons to be sad, hurt, hopeless, alone, angry and all of that.

On that Take, there was this guy replying to me that called my attention. He has so hurt and angry with the world and himself. Like him many, including me in the past. Another guy told me there something like “Guys suffer too and you should make a Take about that”. Well here it is! I will use a softer tone on this Take since the objective now is different. I am not here to bash anyone this time. On the contrary I want everyone to hold hands and sing Kumbaya.

Before I start!

Ladies, none of what I am about to say is the fault of the general population of women. A small portion of both women and men are to blame for all of this. My objective here is to try to explain where the issues some guys have come from. And honestly to try to get some sympathy from you regarding them.

I know and you know that they could deal with said issues way better, but that is what my other Take was for.

With that out of the way let’s begin.


One thing triggers the other
One thing triggers the other

It’s a cycle. You want something. To be accepted, to have sex, to not be alone, to be able to love yourself, to be respected, to be listen, etc. When you can’t you get sad, this is a no brainer. But what happens when that happens repeatedly? And on more than one goal you have? And when everyone around you seems to have it? You are no longer just sad you are frustrated. Life isn’t going well no matter what you do and try. Eventually that frustration will evolve into anger. You are angry now. So what now? Well for those who don't know anger hurts. Being angry all the time hurts really bad. It consumes you and makes you die inside slowly. Makes you bitter with everything and everyone.


And we should hold them accountable more often.
And we should hold them accountable more often.

Women of GAG, this is not news to you. You know better than anyone what some women are capable of. You are not weak and can cause some serious damage to guys. I am not saying you do it. I am saying you can and that you know it!!!

So focussing on evil women for the time being. I don’t need to go far, I have plenty of material from GAG on this. I have seen here opinions that ranged from "If a girls cheats of a guy he needs to understand what he lacks as a man" and "Since most problems men have are caused by other men they have no business complaining" to "Kicking a guy in the balls and do permanent damage is oukey. He totally deserves that if he is a jerk. Or just because I think it's funny xD". Some of them were worth at least a punch in the face. I am sure I am going to be called a pussy and to “man up” or something for this, but bring it! I will have fun with you, honey.

Even the good girls have stories to tell. I have met really good girls here who admitted to have manipulated and hurt guys in the past. Good guys who liked them. They say they feel bad for it, but even if wounds heal, scars stay. The way society portraits men as stronger, which only gives women more enjoyment out of breaking us. If they complain or try to act on it they are labelled as less of a man right away.

Those are just some examples. You can damage us physically and mentally beyond repair in many ways. So of course those guys will tend to be bitter with the next women they come across. Women are capable of horrible things and angry guys are the result of them.


This image is on an article called
This image is on an article called "In Defence of Man-Hating Feminism"

Do you remember that Gillete commercial? In my opinion it reflects the biggest problem feminism has today. A good message delivered in the worst way possible! It wasn’t like that before.

Women - Hey men we want to be equal to you!

Good Men - Very well we agree it’s time to address that.

Feminists – We want to vote, have equal pay, end sex discrimination, have equal constitutional rights, etc.

Good Men – All very reasonable and logical. We are on a good path.

Mental people, who think they can use the wave of change to flip everything upside down - He raped me! Everyone should believe me because I am a woman and we have suffered under men patriarchy for too long.

Normal people – We still need to address evidences, but we will listen to the victims and…

Mental people – Stop opening your legs so much in the subway! It oppresses me as a woman!

Very confused people – That is bad behaviour not “men” behaviour, also why does that oppresses…

Mental people – Let’s force women into office even if there are men more qualified for the job just because they are women. You don’t agree with me? You are a chauvinist pig!

Feminists – Wait what? No, no, no! This is not us! We don’t want to…


Understand my point here. It started as an amazing movement, but got blown out of proportion by idiots. There are cases of guys getting arrested, expelled from college, fired from their jobs and ostracized by society just for a false accusation. Want worse?

This one is so good!

In Canada a meeting was to take place to talk about male suicide rate. Canada has one of the highest male suicide rates in the world. Do you what happened in that meeting? Lol what meeting? It was cancelled because of the mob of women vandalizing and protesting at the building entrance. Because the men have plenty of privileges already and so let them kill themselves. Imagine the orphan children and widow women who saw other women sabotage the thing that could have saved their father/husband life. They must have been so happy. So happy…

So when you see guys here complaining about feminism you know why. It’s because we are putted in jail for nothing and literally, literally fighting for us to jump of bridges. Because some, using the power feminism gave them and the name “feminist” itself, are making men’s lives a living hell. We see it everywhere. On the news, commercials, movies, our workplace, in the judicial system, etc.


We have it worst here no question
We have it worst here no question

One this topic we are all going to agree on something… Ladies it’s much easier for you to get attention from the opposite gender than it is for us. Even if it is bad attention is still attention, it still works as an ego boost and validates your value in the dating market. Admit or not this is true.

Most of the tension is on our side, more often than not you just have to pick. We have to be superman for you. To help some of you actually shame guys who try to make a move. Some of you play with their emotions for fun. Some of you cheat whit no remorse. Some of you use guys just to get free stuff and food. You know those bitches are a thing don’t deny it, they are the cherry on top of the cake.

You can add the evil women from the first topic here, who make excellent dating partners. They assault their boyfriends, they are controlling freaks, they play the crying card all the time and God forbid anything is actually their fault.

You know what happens next? Since you get so many options and guys so little they stop chasing, they stop putting effort, they are basically saying one big “Fuck it”. Guys are lost. They look around and see no options. No good ones at least. Then they hear these ghost stories from their friends and think you girls are not worth the effort.


We need to know you care
We need to know you care

This is a big one and you have no idea. You have no idea how many of us are dying for a hug we don't know how to ask for.

When something bad happens to us no one is there. Do you think a guy who just got cheated on gets any sympathy? Do you really think the men trying to call the cops on his abusing wife will be taken seriously? Do you see men’s issues like longer prison sentences comparing to women being addressed? Of course not! Why? Because to hell with us! No one cares! Not women and not even other men! Deal with it!

This is the part I personally feel the most. Every other topic here I never had any big problem or occurrence over my life. When it comes to reach a helping hand or being treated with fairness, here I get tilted because we get none of it!

Either you deal with things on your own or you don’t at all. Do you know why so many of us don’t complain about anything? Why we bury our feelings? Why we pretend we are made of steel? That is a defence mechanism since we know if we ask for help we will get laugh at.

I know I, know you girls have your problems too! I am not saying you don’t! But do you want to know why you don’t have half the problems you had 100 years ago? IT’S BECAUSE WE MEN LISTENED TO YOU! You really think you did it all on your own?! Good men helped you every step of the way! When some men said “They have it all good! They just have to stay home, cook and take care of the kids! What are they complaining about?” other men heard you and helped change your situation. They knew you were not overacting. Why no one believes us now and just thinks we are overacting and actually have it all? We listened and now no one is listening to us! Why no one is listening? Oh right… Because “deal with it”.


I feel for my own. Guys, I get why you get frustrated

None of this still gives us the right to just go around and bash an entire gender!

That’s right angry dudes, I am not letting you have not even this one in the end!

I still think that women who do what I mentioned are just the bad apples of the tree not most of them. So unloading your frustration and anger on others will never help. All you are going to do is to get people angry at you. You are throwing stones in every direction hoping you will hit the right foreheads. They never will hit the targets you want and some will be thrown back at you. My previous Take for example.

If instead of letting anger out you came online looking for pity even worse. You are bashing your own head with the stone instead of throwing them, hopping someone will tell you to stop. In reality there isn’t much they can do if you are looking for pity and not serious advice.


Both sides have their problems and horror stories about the other gender. At some point in life most of us thought “Everyone from the other gender is *insert horrible insult*”. As a guy I can talk about what makes us do that better than I could for women. I would love to see a Take talking about it though! I really would, so please do it.

Guys feel free to comment more things that women do that mess with you. Help them understand your side. They will be more empathetic than what you think. The only thing you need to realise is saying “WOMEN ARE ALL LYING CHEATING BASTARDS THAT CAN ALL DIE!” is very different from saying “I got cheated on. It still hurts today and I am scared it will happen again.” It’s a lot different! That is where the gold pot is! Use the first one and give the girls opportunity to show they care.

I am really curious to see the comments this will receive.

Anyway This Is My Opinion.

Thank you for your attention.

I feel for my own. Guys, I get why you get frustrated
Post Opinion