My Insecurities

My Insecurities

Just a short myTake

I actually wanted to do this as a question, but figured what i had written would be a bit too much to have as a question related topic.

Feeling insecure because of not being good enough, or knowing you'll ever be good enough. Feeling insecure because of not being good looking enough.

I don't have a strong facial structure compared to the likes of Jensen Ackles, The Hemsworth brothers, Henry Cavil, or any other bright looking face. We all know that a good looking person gets treated better or looked upon better, gets more opportunities and or special treatment most of the time.

I don't have a face where girl/women would say wanting to wake up to everyday

I don't have blue eyes, or green eyes, or straight long hair, nor am i white, for rocker/metal girls to obsess over lol

I'm no photogenic, to where i get many likes if i post a pic. even though i honestly don't care about likes and such, but having x amount of friends or followers and barely getting any, compared to someone who probably has the same amount as you or less but still gets more, does kind of make you feel some type of way lol

It's almost as if being/feeling ugly seems to be the source of all my problems, mainly my depression 🙄

This is the first time i ever expressed this in such details, something i don't do because i stopped talking about my personal problems a long time ago. But this is to show you that no matter how much you see someone laugh, or be active daily or whatever, you never know what they may go through or how they feel.

My Insecurities
15 Opinion