Confused Af: I Don't Know What To Think... Help?


Something happened today at college which got me like:

Mood :P
Mood :P

In a confused kinda way.

Basically I got to know this kid in one of my classes better today- I haven't talked about this kid before on here, so it's not anyone I talked about previously. To avoid confusion we'll call this kid Y.

It started with Y sitting next to this kid in our class, and at first I couldn't really hear what they were saying and I didn't really care to be honest because I had my earphones in, listening to my playlist- then towards the end of class I turned off my music, and turns out they where having a pretty interesting discussion about the Abrahamic religions.

I didn't really say much I just listened in because it was good to learn from them both, and because the discussion was interesting I ended up sitting with them at the beginning of lunch- but then the discussion ended and the other kid had to go, and it was just me and Y.

I honestly thought he was just gonna up and leave and I was cool with that because I spend my lunchtimes alone anyway watching YouTube- but he didn't. He decided to stay- and I was cool with that as well.

And he started talking to me about his ex girlfriend and how she cheated on him and how it was his first "serious" relationship and I felt bad for him, because he seems like a nice dude- I just told him that I'd never been in a relationship before and some other stuff.

He was like full-on giving me relationship advice and I was like:

"Welllll, I'm not really interested in a relationship right now."

I can't remember what he said to that, but then we got told to move by the teachers for some reason- I don't know why, and we moved anyway and we began talking about politics and stuff and the general election, and global issues and stuff- and we shared a lot of the same views.

I didn't really think much of it, just that he was a nice guy and stuff who liked talking and things. And he was actually getting triggered at some of the issues we were talking about- which was kinda funny, and he apologised but I didn't mind in the slightest.

Then I asked the question:

"So, what kinda movies do you watch and stuff? Do you like Marvel?"

Because if you sit with me a lunch I will ask you that question at some point😂

Anyway, he told me he doesn't really watch much movies but he's seen a few Marvel movies here and there.

Obviously, I told him about how much I love Spider-Man and then he asked me:

"Do you want to go watch it?"

He didn't mean then, because we had like half an hour left until class started for us, but sometime. And obviously, I'm not gonna say no to seeing Spider-Man because it's Spider-Man and I had a little bit of hope that it would still be in the cinemas- but it wasn't😭💔

So he said could see something else, on Tuesday after college at the cinema near college- I don't know what we're seeing we'll probably decide on Monday🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️

This Is Where Confusion Kicks In.

I hate writing this SO MUCH because it makes me sound cheesy and like I'm reading too much into this- and I usually have a blind spot for this kinda thing- but I just get the feeling that he likes me as in more than a friend kinda way but I don't know.

I mean I told him I didn't have a smartphone because we were talking about social media and stuff, and he was like:

"Oh I have a spare one which I could give you."

And like I don't want it, I'm perfectly fine with the little phone I have- but he pretty much insists I have it, but if he brings it on Monday for me I will politely refuse it because I don't want it lol.

Then I told him on the way to the cinema I'd have to go to the bank to get some money out, so I can pay for my ticket and stuff and he told me that it was fine and that he'd pay for me.

I didn't really know what to say to that again, I don't want to be paid for because it feels like I'm scrounging off of a guy I more or less just met...

Then I told him that I did actually mention him to my best friend I met yesterday- and I just said that I've talked to him about once.

Then he told me that he actually told his aunties about me, and how I walk with a limp and all (kinda stands out lol) and how he said he felt really bad for me, and his aunties were saying that he should talk to me and become my boyfriend basically.

And his response to that was:

"I'm not really sure if she'd see me in that way, she seems really innocent."

And I was like: "yeah I don't want a relationship, right now."

Then he started showing me some of his gym pictures and stuff, and he was like "I look terrible here"

And I replied: "I can't really argue with that" because I couldn't- I'm gonna lie and be like "Oh no you look good there"

Then I was all: "Don't worry I'm bad at taking pictures of myself, and most days I look like trash anyway." But he said he liked my beanie hat.

Then I remember telling him about my old secondary school friends, and how awesome they all are, and how some of them ship me with basically everyone anyway- because he said the minute his auntie sees him with a girl she'll be like 'she's your girlfriend' and I told him how one of my friends thought a guy in a group had a crush on me, (I didn't think he did personally) and I told him how I saw the guy in my friendship group at secondary school more like a brother because he was annoying but in a brotherly way and the Y asked me:

"Am I a brother?"

I didn't really know how to reply to that, because I haven't known him for long enough and I was just like "uhhh... I guess."

And then he looked away, and before he was telling me that he thinks I'm "blessed"😂😂I didn't wanna be mean to him or anything- but I was just thinking Nah bruh I'm a normal human being not blessed or anything I'm not that lucky lol- see me at the bus stop, then say I'm blessed lol

Then he was telling me how he's never met a girl like me at this college and I was just thinking... Um, I met plenty of people like me, but okay😂 Then he got my number, so he could call me on Tuesday and he followed me on Instagram too. Plus he kept on saying to me: "You never know what the future holds for us"

And he even walked me to class...

I'm getting the kinda vibe he has a crush on me, but maybe I'm reading too much into this- maybe he's just a really nice guy or something I don't fucking know lol😂

But even if he did like me, I don't think I'd like him back because I just don't want a relationship yet- and I'd only really see him as a friend- he's a nice dude sure, but I'm not looking for that right now.

I hope I don't get asked out or anything- because I'd feel bad for rejecting... Lol, I don't know maybe I'm reading too much into this shiz🤷🏾‍♀️

I'm just confused lol😂😂

I have no experience in this kinda thing- so if anyone on here can help me out, give me a proper opinion- that'd be nice😂😂

Anyway bye.

Confused Af: I Don't Know What To Think... Help?
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