Mens Secrets and why we do them

Okay okay, let me just let off some laughter beforehand when making this

I also want to say that this is going to be an awkward post because it will have things about guys that have been listed as their secrets by Reddit comments and also in videos, so if you are worried that it may be awkward for you to read, I apologise in advance.

Ouran highschool host club
Ouran highschool host club

Peeing on poo stains instead of using the scrubber

So I know people might consider it weird, but I know many guys who do this as well, we piss on the stain till it is gone because it is fun to do, knowing you have the power to remove it almost like when you use compressed air to clean out areas, it feels really satisfying knowing you had the power to remove it, AND it means we don't get the scrubber dirty.

Remembering compliments forever

So I will say it happens more with guys who aren't complimented a lot, if you are a guy who never gets complimented by girls, the moment you get one you will remember it forever, but if you are a guy who is complimented often by girls, it won't be something so easily remembered.

Trying to fix an issue without checking if the person just wanted to vent

So I know there are different times, this goes for both genders, sometimes I am seeking actual useful solutions to my problem, in those moments I will be mildly agitated and be asking questions frequently.

There is then the case of VENTING, this is where people are so angry and confused that they just want to tell someone about all their stresses and NOT have them tell them how to fix those problems, they just want to tell you why they are so upset and want you to comfort them. I used to vent quite a lot in the past, now I kind of vent my biggest issues at my closest friends when I get to see them and we just both vent together, saying how the thing we just vented on is stupid and how we shouldn't even have to deal with that kind of problem, which results in us both comforting each other and laughing at how we are making fun of our issues.

Drying our balls and face with same towel is not a problem

It's true, there is literally no problem in doing this, we came out the shower, our whole body is clean skin, so we have no reason to be worried about getting any part of your skin on any other part, at least not in our opinions.

Don't care about how popular you agree with other women

Majority of guys couldn't care less, it actually is better if you are less popular because then you will have more time to be with just us, it also means we don't need to be worried about large numbers of girls and their boyfriends coming and crowding around us when we are trying to just be relaxed.

When we want to be alone, it isn't just away from you, it's away from everyone

Very true, there are times when a guy wants to be alone, this does not mean he wants to just be away from the girl, it means he wants to be alone for a while, to HIMSELF, just so he can calm down and not be listening to so many conversations or because he is already stressed by thinking about something too much.

We like your hair, we just don't say it so much as girls say

Any normal guy would like girls hair, it is soft, silky and always looks wonderful. We really do like the hair girls have, it's just that we don't talk about it as much as girls do.

Messy hair looks cute, it's true

Yes, Messy hair is adorable, I love it. I do like other types of hair, but I love it when it doesn't look just unnaturally perfect, give it a ruffle, make it a bit messy, it looks super cute.

No amount of sex will stop us from masturbating afterwards, it is a private and separate activity

I haven't had sex, but I can tell you now, masturbating is a private activity, it is something that you do for yourself, while sex you do for each other, masturbation is solely for ones self.

We urinate on soap bars, ice, plastic mats to reduce splash damage and also to reduce bad odour. We also do it because it is fun to piss on the soap blocks

Yes...I am kind of embarrassed to admit this one, I piss directly on the soap bars because I like to try and dissolve, break, melt, burn my way through them. I think people underestimate the force at which urine comes out of a penis, it truly can break soap, burn holes through them as well if you have had a lot of citrus fruits.

The Nod

almost all guys understand what a nod means, you can have a whole conversations by just nodding or shaking.

It also depends which way you nod, if you nod up it may be read as a casual greeting or as a aggressive greeting, it depends on your eye contact and if you are glaring or not or if you are smiling as well when doing so.

If you nod downwards, it can be a apologetic nod, a casual greeting nod, a nod of agreement, basically any form of non vocal greeting.

I can support this one for sure, my friends and teaching assistants have always done this with one another, we don't need to use words to convey our thoughts.

Not scratching our groin in public is difficult

Hmm...Well, sometimes yeah, but it depends on the trousers you are wearing. Not every guy is like this but it is more common in guys who work in dirty environments more, though I can't vouch for every guy on this one, feel free to say if you agree with this one guys.

Every guy has at one point used their erection to hold up their towel

HAhahahaha!!! YES! There is just something so satisfying about hanging your entire body towel on it while walking around your room to choose what you want to wear.

It does have a additional purpose, this purpose is that it helps get rid of an erection if it won't go, applying weight on top helps to make it go away faster and therefore won't make a super visible erection in your trousers.

But holding numerous different things up with an erection is easy and fun to do.

We can't move our penis without closing our butthole

...I tested this...It is true. Though a very odd thing to come across in these comments, I reckon a couple of guys will test this as well once reading this...

Sniffing our own bodies to decide if we need to have a shower

It's weird, but I think that this is a total different behaviour to women. Guys smelling themselves to check if the scent requires removing or if it smells just fine is a thing that happens, though I think it is not done in public as much, I can say I have seen guys do it and it is odd but also relatable. I do it because I don't want to waste shower water if I don't actually need a shower on the day, so I smell myself to see if I should have one or not.

Standing far away from the urinal when pissing to see just how far away you can be and still get it in

ahahaha......Yeah, it's true, not for every single guy around but certainly a lot of them. There is just something satisfying in finding out the maximum range. I can't speak for every guy, but I can speak based on the fact I enter guys toilets and therefore know the way that guys use the urinals, in college and out of college I have seen them slowly continue to walk further away from the urinal out of the corner of my eye or when I am chatting with a friend when we both go in, it is just something that I can confirm as a guy that it happens a lot.


We like hugs


We are bad at taking hints

Okay, so I got this one from a Reddit comment, they said

Saying "I almost broke my neck in the driveway" is not the same as asking us to shovel it, in my mind I am thinking "Thanks for the heads up"

Kimi ni todoke
Kimi ni todoke

Your chances of getting what you want from us are infinitely higher if you tell us directly

This is very true, please just tell us exactly what it is that you want because we are terrible at reading between the lines and will likely be overthinking things and never get it, everyone will be happier if you just tell us what it is that you want.

The things that guys say should commonly be taken at face value

in other words, never read into it like wondering what hidden meaning it has, guys don't do this as much as you may think

Emotional wrecks but are hiding it

Very true, though I believe both genders do this, I believe that guys do it more because we get quite a bit of ridicule if we show vulnerability which sucks...

I'm making this post quickly because I wanted to provide something today, but this took a lot of time to make and because of that I won't be making it super long, stay classy everyone and take care! <3 <3

Mens Secrets and why we do them
Post Opinion