How to attract women with your appearance and how not to


Hello dear friends! I'm posting this because I've seen so many anonymous guys asking "Ladies, how do I attract women?" Well let me help you so you can quit asking! Please note that these are my personal opinions and if you don't like them then move on :) I'm not going to go very in depth, unless you want me to, so I'm gonna keep it simple.

1. Develop a sense of style, don't be lazy with your clothes!

Come on, you know what I mean. Again, this is for when your trying to attract women, so if you just wanna be lazy and not attract women, go right ahead! I'm not asking for a three piece suit, hell no, but I'm asking for something a little more classy than this

How to attract women with your appearance and how not to
How to attract women with your appearance and how not to


How to attract women with your appearance and how not to

Ok! Moving on from that hideousness, let's get to something perhaps even more disgusting.

2. BAD BREATH (This goes towards more hygiene than appearance but whatever)

I'm not talking about coffee breath, I'm talking about "I didn't brush my teeth this morning/morning breath" There really is no excuse unless you have a disease. Brush your damn teeth, it's good for everyone involved. I can't stand it when a guy comes over to flirt with me and his breath smells like bat shit inside of a cave (trust me, I've been cave climbing,I know) If brushing your teeth is somehow to much, carry some gum or mints on you!

3. Your nails, because keeping them in check isn't only for the ladies

Not having dirty nails goes into both categories, hygiene and appearance. I think a lot of women notice men's hands pretty quick, we like men's hands! But not if they look like this

I'm not saying you have to have model hands, but come on. If you have a problem with biting your nails or picking at them when you snag one, CARRY A NAIL FILE with you! It's so small and compact (depending which you buy) and for me is the easiest way to keep from having nubbs.

4. Your hair, specifically head hair

If you have a certain style of haircut, that's great, keep it. But I'm talking about another appearance/hygiene . GREASY hair. And stringy, unbrushed hair. I can't tell you how many times a guy with greasy hair has come up to me and I'm like

How to attract women with your appearance and how not to

It's not the most attractive...ever. Use a dry shampoo or something if washing your hair every other day is too much work.....because NO ONE wants to touch that or look at it.

Well, I'm done here and if you have any questions, duh ask. I'm not trying to offend anyone or say that all guys do this, girls are guilty too! These are just my opinions, <3 With love, LanaDelRey25

How to attract women with your appearance and how not to
How to attract women with your appearance and how not to
12 Opinion