Extremely Vivid and Lucid Dreams

I've often heard it said that, for most people, the dreams they have usually take on a rather fantastical, abstract nature. People describe being chased, flying through the air like Superman, or walking through walls - but that's not the case for me.

Nope, the dreams I have are completely different. They're real. Or at least, they resemble reality with all the fidelity of an exact copy, a duplicate reality that exists somewhere, somehow. I meet people over there I've never met before, but who interact with me as though they know everything about me, as though I actually DO know them. I experience full 3D colour, stereo sound, taste, touch and smell. The very same laws of physics apply, and although I often don't know what, exactly, is going on or what it all means, I nevertheless can understand the basic structure, the patterns that develop.

Is any of this unusual? Are there others who have had the same experiences? Could any of it actually be real, or based on something that is? I never receive important "messages" of any kind, it's always just like any other day in the "real" world (the word "real" is in inverted commas, because I have very good reasons to believe that what we think of as being real, actually isn't, but that's another post for another day).

Extremely Vivid and Lucid Dreams
Extremely Vivid and Lucid Dreams
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