Death To The Real Men


Death To The Real Men

Death To The Real Men

Most "men" today are the type of man that would have been no use to anyone a few hundred years ago. He wouldn't have survived and definitely would not have found a mate.

Death To The Real Men

If you were to randomly select a modern male, plonk him in the middle of the Amazon rain forest for one week, I’m 95% sure that you would come back one week later to find one dead man-boy.

Death To The Real Men

So, where did it all go so terribly wrong with men and and why are many modern guys evolving into such feminine weaklings?

Well, here are a few reasons from Wowwgirl's book of, Why Guys Today Kinda Suck.

Death To The Real Men
  • Have Forgotten About Masculinity

Masculinity means being a leader, not being scared of telling people what you think. Some rare man who is going his own way and not being a follower, working hard, not complaining or feeling entitled to something he didn’t even earn himself.

Wearing your heart on your sleeve and being stuck in the Friendzone forever, isn't the way for any man to go.

Death To The Real Men
  • Plays Video Games and Doesn't Work Out

Video games are fun. No question asked, but you know what’s not at all fun? Staying in all the time, not socializing, not getting laid and eating fattening food constantly.

Death To The Real Men

Get your weak minded self off of the couch, put the controller down and get outside and be active please. Video games add entertainment value only to life. They don’t improve your life At All or give you the skills you need to be successful in life.

Death To The Real Men
  • Over Groom Themselves

When did the over grooming trend start? First it was a tan on the sunbed, that quickly turned into a fake tan and now straight men are getting their assholes waxed , STFU? Some men are even using coverup… C-O-V-E-R-U-P !

If you are a heterosexual man, you should not be wearing makeup at all Period... Basic male grooming is necessary, but that’s it No more!

Death To The Real Men
  • Without a Smartphone They Would Be Lost.

No sense of direction, no access to important information, no texting, no free porn… damn it guys, I guess you could actually do something crazy like I don't know, try talking to real people, maybe build up your social skills? Just a thought fellas think about it.

Death To The Real Men
  • Can't Interact With Women and Has No Social Skills

Talking of social skills. This is one of the biggest problems men face these days. They are too scared to talk to women and they have no idea how to act around them in a social situation.

Death To The Real Men

Not only that, they are horrible at flirting and reading social cues. Guys, the better you get at understanding how women operate, the more you will get laid it's that simple.

Death To The Real Men
  • Passive Aggressive BS

A terrible characteristic that is on the rise with beta males is being passive aggressive. What that means is repressing their true feelings and being indirect, bitchy, and snarky towards other people.

Death To The Real Men

In my view these are the worst kind of men, they pout, do things behind your back, act bitchy, badmouth you to others, ignore you, use sarcasm, pick on females How Brave of Them!

Death To The Real Men
  • Can't Fix Anything

When was the last time you fixed a leaky tap? I’m guessing never. Most men in this day and age have NO FREAKING IDEA how to change a stop cock, fix a leaky tap, change a plug or unblock the sink to name a few common household problems.

Sorry to tell you guy's but, you need to learn the basics of running a household, that's a man's job,,

Yeah I said it a Man's Job!

Death To The Real Men

Thank you for reading everyone I appreciate you🌺 and remember,,,,,,,,


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Death To The Real Men
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