12 Things Guys Won't Tell You

12 Things Guys Wont Tell You
Guys have their own secrets and admirations that they don't usually reveal. This take is on 12 things that guys don't usually tell you. So, let's begin.

  • We like your messed up hair. Girls may swear that they look awful with their messed up hair, but we don’t really care about it. Messed up hair is cute.
  • We don’t always think about sex or lusty thoughts. There is this widely spread social belief that 99% of the time men think only about sex. You may not believe, but most of the time we think about extremely crazy stuff like logic in movies and cartoons, about winning a battle in a video game, memes, business ideas that more often would bring losses than profits, how weird some cosmetic advertisements are etc. You can find us making weirdly interesting debates inside our heads.
  • We absolutely don’t care wearing the same shirt twice, thrice or even four times a week. If we have a favourite t-shirt or a favourite colour, expect us to look somewhat same everyday. And yes, spotting another guy wearing the same type of shirt is kinda cool.
  • Our eyes may roll towards curves, but actually that’s not what we want. Alright, I’m going to be 100% honest here. If we see a round booty or round boobs we tend to unconsciously turn our heads towards that, so girls tend to think like “Okay, that’s what they want”. The honest answer is, for us, curves are just like how the six packs are for you. Girls find six packs to be attractive, but not every female wants a guy with six packs isn’t it? Similarly, guys may find curves to attractive, but it doesn’t mean all guys are looking for a partner with 180 degree curves. And most of us don’t care at all about flat chests or flat butts.
  • It’s actually fine if you love to apply a bit of makeup, no problem, but believe us, some girls look like walking mannequins. Same with Instagram filters, sheesh! That’s a big no no.
  • At a very young age we are taught not to cry. We grow up taking the quote “Boys don’t cry” as a principle, and that principle is not actually wrong or bad. As men we need to bear the pain and rise up instead of weeping. But it doesn’t mean we don’t feel helpless, hurt and lonely. We tend to hide them and fake our feelings and emotions to the world while things keep killing us inside. Since we hate to shed tears, we unknowingly tend to turn the sorrow and pain into aggression. Please try to understand us.
  • Our beards will turn white, but we will never stop loving stuff like Hot-Wheels cars, drones, remote controlled cars, cartoons we watched in our childhood, old video games we played, and comic books too.
  • We like it when girls twirl and play with their hair, do cute things like playing hopscotch with kids, remember tiny details about us, and sometimes even when y’all go on talking non-stop while taking intervals in between to giggle.
  • We don’t care if you fart around us. Unless your guy was born in a palace, worked for the North Korean military, or was raised under extremely strict disciplines it would be totally okay to just freely “let it go”. It shows that you’re human (in a world full of fake Insta models), and you have a sense of humour (because toots are funny), and most importantly it shows that you’re 100% comfortable with your partner.
  • We don’t know the different types of shoes you wear. I was surprised to find out that whatever we call as “heels” actually have different models and names. We don’t remember such things. In the same way, don’t overthink if your shoes and your handbag match with your dress. 99.9% of the time we won’t even analyse if things are matching. Believe it or not, pyjama pants and sweatshirts can make you look cuter to us than you think.
  • We won’t ask you, we won’t show you, but we absolutely love it when you listen to us and show that you care for us. It can be a sob story, something funny, something heroic, basically it could be anything. Especially when we talk about events in life where we failed, messed up and want to take out of our mind. We love it when we realize that there is someone to listen, laugh, and understand.
  • What do you really think we want? Well, let me mention a few things we would love to do with a partner. Watch movies together (even animated ones), play some multiplayer game, debate over some stupid theory, talk about hilarious and awkward stuff that you haven’t told or wouldn’t tell anyone else, try various types of foods together, cuddle on rainy days, go somewhere isolated from the rest of the world, watch sunsets, etc. etc. and most importantly, build tons of memories.

These are just a few things we don't usually open up with. If I've missed something you can mention them in the comments. Have a great day!

12 Things Guys Won't Tell You
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