
12 Things Women / Girls Won't Tell You


Hi there Amigos

so I thought that I will give this Anonymous editor and to his fellow gentlemen something back (If you're interested). Maybe I will state the obvious with some points, and maybe something will even be eye opening for you who knows.

Try to read his article first :

12 Things Guys Won't Tell you - Anonymous

Yes, us Women also have our secrets and admirations, and most of us don't want to reveal it because most of the time we want YOU to reveal it, we just like being explored, it gives us Women shivers down our spines just by the fact that you're trying to reveal our deepest secrets and desires.

Please be adviced that not ALL WOMEN are the same, but i'm sure i'm speaking for most, don't tell me I didn't warn you. So don't come to me with " I'M NOT LIKE THAT" yadda yadda yadda talk.


1. We don't like your messy hair WE LOVE your messy hair as well, it adds the urge for us to play with your hair and mess it up even more. In fact, lately, messy hair for guys is a trendy go-to look, and i'm loving it. And if you're bald, don't worry, i know many and i mean MANY women that go absolute nuts for baldies. And between me and you, some bald men are just YUMMIE.


2. Sadly we do think about sex more than you imagine, I mean, some of us connect everything to nasty thoughts ... might be our urge or hormones of the moment but, SOMETIMES i'm telling you, everything is sexual to us. We're guilty as charged for dirty minds, most of us won't tell you though. Oh sometimes we also imagine all the things we could do to you while we're talking about Astronomy.... Sorry BUT YOU WON'T EVER FIND OUT

12 Things Women / Girls Wont Tell You

3. Having a Six pack is not everything to us, a lot of us like our men to be fit, but mostly we want to fit perfectly in your arms. We also don't mind some little soft spots here and there ... some of us might not be a huge fan of very skinny guys though, we naturally feel protected if the guy is bigger, it's a natural instinct (as I SAY, not all of us women feel this way though) ...

And trust me, most of us don't mind if you check our curves out, we might play dumb and acting like we HATE IT, but checking out is nothing tragic, at least for some, unless you don't STARE and transform it into cat calling and harrassing that is a major turn off...

4. We are delicate creatures, and yes most of us women get very emotional, most of the times we don't even have a valid reason, and we might tell you that everything is okay, but the truth is we want a lot of things, we want your ATTENTION, PIZZA AND HUGS !!!


5. Deep within we don't mind Men being Men as in being into sports cars and so on, but sadly we want you guys more for ourselves, yes we're selfish little devils i'm sorry (not sorry) but, we'd appreciate if you sometimes skip a ball game so you can take us to a date. As selfish as this sounds, most of the time we don't mind you doing MEN THINGS, and most of us usually don't ask you to do differently, but secretly, we want you to ask us on a date here and there, and spend some time ALONE.

6. When you ask if everything is ok and we say " i'm fine" .... trust me, we're not fine, we will give you a nice dose of silent treatment until you BEG, it's a sad fact and i'm not proud of it, and trust me, we know that it's wrong yet we still do it. It's something natural, we can't get over it nor control it at that moment, we want to get chased, it adds this thrill that we urge to feel, and also we can't get enough of feeling special this way ... Sorry again

7. Most of us don't put makeup on FOR YOU MEN, trust me, because we ALL KNOW that you guys can't stand makeup, but we mostly do it for ourselves, and for a slight indirect rivalry that goes on between our girlfriends. We usually want to show our girlies our makeup talent, trust me, most of us girls don't do it for you, but for US.

12 Things Women / Girls Wont Tell You

8. When we say "do whatever you want" we don't mean it, trust me .... we don't... and if you come back with a "OK" then it will break our hearts into a trillion pieces ... don't trust A SINGLE WORD WE SAY in these cases, which gets me back to nr. 6 .... Again, I appologize for this behaviour, and trust me, it never gets better as we get older ...

9. We'd feel special if you introduce us to your friends and family, but be careful, once this happens we already HEAR THE WEDDING BELL AND ALREADY THOUGHT OF A NAME FOR OUR FIRST CHILD ( lol ), it's a huge step for us and we already get ready to settle... so before you introduce us to people that are important to you, make sure you have a clear idea on what you're getting yourself into.

10. If you hit on us, our first instict is usually to reject, it's a play hard to get technique _(at times) we use and it brings me back to the seeking attention point above, we just like to get chased... I know, some of you men will get furious about this fact, and a lot are mad because you want us women to do the first step in many things, but once we see you giving up we will also give up the very same second ... So, try harder or let it be, if you study us harder you will understand and get the signal that we actually like what you're doing. AGAIN, i'm sorry on behalf of all women, but don't you agree that we're amazing creatures?

12 Things Women / Girls Wont Tell You

11. WE ALSO NEED SPACE trust me when I say, sometimes we're afraid it comes out wrong so we try to hide this fact. But many times we also need some ME time, and we'd appreciate if you makes us feel comfortable to express these things. Maybe i'm speaking for myself, but being in a almost 7 year relationship taught me that ME time is very healthy, also because i'm not clingy by nature, being clingy is toxic Ladies,... trust me

12. "I'm not a jealous woman" > this is BS, in most cases it is. When we're alone we can say that and we actually convince ourselves... but once we face a situation our blood will start to boil.

Yes we are Women, yes we are Mysterious and enigmatic, even to our own kind, but aren't we all as human beings? I think we should appreciate the fact that in general, we're all different, we all have different perspectives, but as the same gender, we DO SHARE a lot of things and according to me, these things make us who we are.

I said this many times in different MyTakes, i hate generalizing, I don't want anyone to feel disappointed by my Ideas, even though i specified it in different lines emphasizing the words SOME / MOST and reminding you that i'm not talking for ALL. Because it's wrong in every aspect to put everyone in the same category no matter what the topic is.

I'd love to see what other women think as well, to make everything easier for the both of us why not?

Thank you for reading once again

Take care

12 Things Women / Girls Wont Tell You
12 Things Women / Girls Won't Tell You
81 Opinion