Five things young men should do for themselves in their Twenties

1) A young man should grow to learn who he is , all of himself the good , the bad, and the trivial. He must learn it is good to be him. To like himself. He should bond with his peers, and learn from them the ways of men their fathers teach them. . Knowledge is shared gentlemen . We all have experiences , that are important to our lives , and those around us. Take pride in who you are young man. Stand tall with your chin above your shoulders in the carriage of a man. You must have bearing , and declare to the world here I am. Always seek to learn something new , and keep your mind open , as a closed mind is just so much meat causing a body to live. We end our days the sum total of our life's experience lets leave a good story of days to those who come after us. What more can a good man ask then to die revered , and respected by those he loved , and served in life.

(A Morab Mare And her foal . I named here Night the foal Is Arrow in their Cherokee names,)
(A Morab Mare And her foal . I named here Night the foal Is Arrow in their Cherokee names,)

2) I think a young man should learn his world , and his body. He must learn the ways of the world we live upon that sustains us. Many of you modern children of earth would not survive a week in the wilderness on the planet you evolved to live on. Todays females would not last 72 hours in the wilderness. This is a horror , and a mistake of monumental proportions. All of life is a Grand Orchestra that plays out everyday in minute detail. Our world is a great machine that protects us , everything we need as a species to live , and survive in health , and peace is here for us. You learn the things of the world to heal yourself , and to sustain yourself , and your family. You do not become greedy , and take it all , you take as you need it , and replace what you take. This is the circle of life , and it is a sacred thing. You should know your limits as man , and constantly seek to expand them. Expand your mind , and your body, A man must be centered in his power , and the medicine of his soul. Never lie , or steal , or be ugly , and mean just for its sake , and to become a show to others. Be kind , but be firm if you must. Do not back from your beliefs. Your true strength is in your convictions , and the goodness of your path. Indeed think about your path everyday as you walk it. Know it , and the pitfalls before you. Be ready , and secure in your knowledge of how to navigate your path in peace in wisdom.

( One of my little Cherokees Teach your children well )
( One of my little Cherokee's Teach your children well )

3) Think ! Every single action you do as a young man counts. Think! don't rush into things. We live in a complicated world. It is full of hazards , that are so numerous , things to make you unhealthy in mind , and body Be careful Think!!! Learn the food your body needs , Learn the place you need to raise your family. Know spend your days thinking about ways to make life better for your self , and those you love , and by the doing of it the world will be a better place as well. Think long , and hard on all that you do. Find things that work well , and make that your tradition. Always seek knowledge , and experience. Nothing on the plane of life will serve you better.

( Love your babies enough to teach them. )
( Love your babies enough to teach them. )

4) Love your babies they are your future. Teach them your ways , for they are also your immortality. They carry your bloodline into the future , we need the blood lines of us all we are all precious in this regard. Life is what we make of it every day that we live. So live every day as though its the most important one yet. It very well could be. Fortunes , and tragedies are made in an instant. Nothing is certain , and isn't this a wonderful thing. each day can be a new adventure. There is no reason to be bored , and stagnant. Just get up , and do something useful. Each day for all of your days accomplish at least one small thing. It helps us as humans to be productive, and to find accomplishment each day. This is very important.

( I live under the Western Sky This Sunset not long ago on my West Texas Rancho)
( I live under the Western Sky This Sunset not long ago on my West Texas Rancho)

5) Be centered , and strong as young a man. Thoughtfulness is the watch word of the day young men. Always be thoughtful, hold anger at bay for it does not serve you well. Anger , and fear will hurt your mind , and cause you to make mistakes. Do not give into these things of weak hearts . Do not become angry at women , and children. Take joy in them , and know as a man they cannot hurt you. Always love them , and teach them. Be the strong island in the stream of the flooding river for this is your place. Be a good , Kind , loving man , with a firm hand , and character. Always try be fair , and reasonable with your people. They love you , and they need you to be there strong for them. Require nothing of another you are not willing to do yourself. No one owes you anything in life accept common courtesy if you give it. Those who do not act as humans remove yourself from these silly creatures who walk like copies of men. They empty creatures many with no purpose. Purpose drives men , Its a big factor in the makeup of a man.

The female mind is different this is why they are not as inventive. It simply doesn't cross their mind the way it does men. Females are receivers by nature, not givers. I too dislike porn and agree it is not good its to abundant things of this nature should not be the rule , but the exception in my view. Women are not made for those thing , and it destroys their soul a lot more then they realize. Yes it is true women will not sacrifice what men do it is just not their nature to do so , and they must not be made to do it if they don't want too. You don't ask a hog to go to see with a Dolphin. You shouldn't ask human person to be what it is not capable of being. It will just create failure , and pain.

@IMuser here is your answer young man. From my Take you responded too. Thank you for the questions.

Five things young men should do for themselves in their Twenties
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