5 guys to date


5 short descriptions... If you're a girl, tell me which one of these guys would you date? If you're a guy, tell me which one of these guys are you most like? If you're gay, do what you want. :P

Inspired by The Female Version... ^^

Girls, which one of these 5 guys would you date?

Denis is energetic, insightfull, down-to-earth, carefull and funny. Also bit mysantropic, a straight-faced liar for fun, sarcastic and a procastinator.

Nicknamed "surprisingly average-looking ginger". Too proud to admit it bothers him. Not too popular, yet binds every social group together. One of those faces people spill their secrets to. Says he's not Oprah, but feeling bad, still gives great advice and atracts more attention.

Likes basketball, told he should try stand-up. Hangs out with his best friends in bars. Very loyal to them, they are like his family. Doesn't notice when flirted with.

5 guys to date

Matt is hardworking, serious, methodical, creative and reliable. Also a loner, perfectionist, uncharismatic, blunt and quiet.

Rarely approaches women. Learned his best friend thought he was gay. Used it to mess with him for a month, for not asking directly. Keeps a low profile, but doesn't let anyone cross him. People with him either do things "right"(read:his way), or have him constantly hanging over their heads "teaching".

Anything, from frying risotto, to breaking wooden boards, he does precisely and effectively. Loves martial arts. His presence unintentionally scares most small children.

5 guys to date

Liam is sweet, helpfull, peaceful, charming and responsible. He is also shy, passive, calculating, cynical and guarded.

Mild-mannered, kind and very giving. Not wanting to be used for it, analyses and keeps most people at arm's lenght. Good with everyone, but really close to no one. Preffers to bypass trouble when he sees it coming (and he's often the first to). Becomes manipulative and avoidant if cornered.

Adores animals and they sense it. If you see him, you'll see an animal circling nearby. Always the polite, role model student/worker. Hides his true self feelings a smile.

5 guys to date

Finn is mature, responsible, creative, wise and humble. Also easily stressed, absentminded, apathetic and slow moving.

A self proclaimed idiot, who is really the smartest guy in the room. Often, group "parent". Tunes out whenever people start boring him, appears as if on autopilot. His hair turned white halway trough med-school, so he dropped out. Avoids "loud" people by confusing the shit out of them with philosphy.

A nature lover who takes long hikes. Loves being quiet and in his head, reads philosophy. Ironically enough, doesn't like being alone. Learning to fly a small plane for fun.

5 guys to date

Teri is fair, honest, very high IQ, passionate and altruistic. Also demanding, tactless, impatient, aggressive, and arrogant.

Never looses a debate and "can't keep his offensive trap" shut. Natural leader, charismatic, but still got himself punched once. Effective giving help, a proponent of tough love, quickly making people regret asking. Has "game", but finds majority of women stupid & annoying. They find him sexist.

Builds fighting robots for fun, makes a mess everywhere. Open and shamelessy affectionate with loved ones. Even guy friends who can't handle all that bromance.


-Guys, pick the guy whose disposition is most like yours, even if all the traits aren't a match. ^^

-Their age is whatever suits the reader. That's why it's not stated.

-Pictures are of anime guys because I wanted you to have some vague concept of their looks in your mind, without actually giving you specific appearance to focus on. Focus on the descriptions.

- Any otaku who recognises these characters is asked to disregard their knowledge for the purposes of this myTake.

Thank you. :)

5 guys to date
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