Feeding girl's ego is the worst thing you can do to yourself?

I am interested in girls, but I do not pursue them - because I don't want to feed their already inflated ego and give them a false idea that they are somewhat 'superior'.

I've approached many times in the past, and once I show interest, they start to play game and try to make me jealous and whatnot. As soon as I realize that they are playing games, I cut it out and move on - and they crave my attention again.

This prevents me from approaching them altogether because many women these days are extremely superficial, conceited and think they are so 'hot'.

I know that they are treated like mini-celebrities exchanging likes on Fagbook and showing off their pictures, and the typical "oh my god you're so pretty" comments.

I am not saying that all women are like this, but as far as I know, a healthy number of women my age are gold diggers in search of prince charming.

Why don't men approach? Because they are fucking frustrated with women playing games. That's why.
Feeding girl's ego is the worst thing you can do to yourself?
3 Opinion