Guys: Does calling a girl your best friend imply that she is more that just a friend?

The question is pretty self explanatory but let's be honest, if a girl is considered your best friend and you talk about her all the time and everyone knows that she is your best friend, aren't the chances pretty high that she means a lot more to you than just a friend?

Girls, reverse the question about that guy you call your best friend. Isn't it true that you dig him but keep him as your best friend so that you don't relay ALL your true feelings about him?

Tell me why or why not the above statement is true!
No - she/he is just a friend and nothing more
Yes - she/he is someone special to me and I have feelings
Well... - she/he is someone that I had interest in but we will probably just end up friend zoning it
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Guys: Does calling a girl your best friend imply that she is more that just a friend?
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