Why does he always put his fingers in my mouth? And even in public?

I just feel it's inappropiate, can't really tell why, it's just something I feel doesn't belong in public, even though it's not mature content per se. I don't know maybe I'm weird like that? I've never had sex and I might be a little prude. Especially when it comes to PDA.
It's also a litte rude when his friends are around and he does that, makes it seem like he is not listening. Somehow he doesn't really do it around my friends.

And even at home I'm not a fan of it. I just don't really see the point? I like him touching my face and lips obviously but then why does go further and pushes his fingers in my mouth?
I told him I'm not exactly keen on it and he was all like "awwwww... but I love it" and I think he tried not doing it for a while but then eventually it went back to normal.
He keeps saying I should just trust him since he is a good bit older and way more expierenced than me. He claims he knows what he is doing. And I do trust him, but you know for this thing, I've tried it and it's not really growing on me. I don't hate it so I don't mind it if he does it, but in moderation. Latley it's just been getting to much.
Why does he always put his fingers in my mouth? And even in public?
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