Did I lose my chance with him? And can I regain his interest?

So this guy I have a crush on tried pursuing me about 5 months ago and he was coming off strong. Things were good and really flirty and we had a lot of good deep conversations (we have a lot in common) and he would ask me to hang out a lot, but I only agreed to once because I was nervous to. (That one time was decent and we got coffee and talked.) This type of thing continued for about 3 months and then he stopped texting me, flirting, and asking to hang out. (Maybe because I didn't agree to hang that much I sent the wrong message? Idk)
I feel like it could've became something more but it didn't- it just sort of stopped. I feel like it's my fault for not taking the opportunity as I said I only agreed to hang w him once. Now he's back at having a thing w this girl he used to have a thing w (prior to pursuing me) and I feel like I totally had the chance to have him but it slipped from me. Why do you think he stopped going for me? Because he wanted to go back to the other girl or did he lose interest in me? Either way, is there a way I can gain his interest again and get a flirty relationship back btwn us? We still occasionally talk but it's in a friend way, so is there a way I can use that as a basis to start flirting again? I wouldn't mind making the first move as I said we still kinda talk, as long as it's not too bold. Or is it hopeless to try and rekindle what we had?
Did I lose my chance with him? And can I regain his interest?
4 Opinion