Weirdest guy behaviour I've ever encountered?

OK, so I am generally quite bad at reading guys, but this one takes the crown. Little backstory:
We met in a public place, decided to meet up a week later, were supposed to go on a date to the zoo where I'd meet him there, he came over the night before, ended up staying for like 3 days. Quite a weird first date, but we did hit it off and hooked up. Then a few days later he told me it would never work because we live too far apart. Flash forward a month or two, he got in touch again, saying he wanted to meet up again because we had the best conversations. He specified he wanted to meet up as FRIENDS. That didn't take long though because 5 hours after we met up we had sex, and he ended up staying for a couple of days again. Week later, he came over AGAIN and told me AGAIN he wanted to be just friends, and not the benefits kind of thing (he insisted on this). After that we did have sex again, showered together, he kept holding my hand and stuff, super confusing. He left after a few days and it was a bit weird. After that I admitted I didn't think I could just be friends with him, because I did really like him. He told me he didn't want to start anything and basically we've stopped contact. He texted a few times, just about random things, but nothing much. He just seems to want different things when he's with me then when he's not here. Please, any guy (or girl with similar experience) shed some light on this whole thing, because it confuses the fuck out of me, haha.
Weirdest guy behaviour I've ever encountered?
6 Opinion