What does it mean when a guy accidentally calls you "babe" and then covers his tracks?

A guy I'm hooking up with (we agreed to be casual) called me "babe" when I sat on him (a joke) then got all flustered and apologized for it... he also gave me compliments like "you're beautiful" among other things and then the next day, he checks to make sure what he said isn't making me uncomfortable (though, I was kind of fishing for these compliments and we were both under the influence, and I was on my period that week so we just cuddled each other to sleep every night) - also, after one night having sex in my car, the next morning (at 6am, which he's never up then) he texts me to apologize for crankiness because he was tired... and he didn't even seem cranky. Is he secretly in love with me or something? I'm starting to wonder...
What does it mean when a guy accidentally calls you "babe" and then covers his tracks?
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