This guy turns and walks away when he sees me. why?

We both liked each other before and knew it, but neither of us actually took the step to talk to each other. In an attempt to get over him I’ve been trying to just act like I’ve moved on (like fake it until I make it) and he’s sensed this too I think because before it was obvious that he was into me and now it doesn’t seem like he is so I think he moved on because he saw that I moved on. Anyways I’ve noticed a few times now that he will be walking in one direction like towards me, and as soon as his eyes fall on me he stops, abruptly turns around and walks back where he came from. I am not even looking at him when he does this, my friend told me this. She also told me he looks back specifically at me at times too. So what does this all mean?
This guy turns and walks away when he sees me. why?
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