An inconsistent crush— should I even bother any longer?

I met a guy at school who was in one of my classes last semester on tinder. We didn’t talk in the class itself, but we saw/recognized one another on the app. Conversation moved to Instagram, and the exchanges were so great during the first few days. Quick responses, interesting conversation, and we’d stay up really late talking to one another. Then after that, replies started getting really spaced out. First 6-8 hours to reply, and now it’s up to over 24 hours to get a text back and the conversations are dry/usually initiated by me. I bought up how I feel like I’m bothering him, and he said when he doesn’t text back he’s just busy. But I’m double majoring in physics and mechanical engineering with a minor in astronomy— I’m busy too, but I still make time to check my phone a few times a day to reply. I guess I just miss what the conversation was like when it had started a few weeks ago. Now, he’ll leave me on delivered (or even read!!) for hours (or even a day) but still watch my Instagram stories. Then say he was busy. If he can watch my Instagram stories, why not just reply to my DM? We had plans to meet up on campus like two days after we started talking, but he was pulled away by another obligation that popped up from his parents. I’ve been trying to meet up but he just doesn’t answer, and even asked directly “are we gonna meet up, or what?” He said “yeah I’d be down if I’m free some time.” I’m just really losing interest. I wish he’d take some initiative, or at least show some interest in me. And if he isn’t interested, I wish he’d just say so. I miss how the conversation was when we first started speaking. I just don’t know why it started to diminish, and I’m waiting hours and days for replies when he’ll watch the Instagram stories I post throughout the day. And we still haven’t even met up. I’m looking for a serious relationship (he said he was too), but consistency is big for me and I already don’t see it and am rapidly losing interest. What should I do?
An inconsistent crush— should I even bother any longer?
5 Opinion