This guy has been trying to get with me for months, I always dodged him or id talk to him and then just stop, he still was very persistent and continued messaging me asking how I was or he’d heart my pics to get my attention. So recently I finally decided to give it a chance. He was shocked I actually talk to him now. We’ve been texting everyday, good conversations, he always asks how I’m doing or we talk and joke and we’ve kinda built a little bond. We decided to go on a date next weekend. He always says “you’re mine” or he’ll call me beautiful we talk all the time, at work, whatever he’s doing or whatever I’m doing we always talk. Or he wants to FaceTime. I don’t really put my face in the camera… Yesterday he told me he was going to a different city, it’s like 3 hours from him. I was like okay, then when he got there he asked if I wanted to FaceTime, at that moment I was getting a pedicure so I didn’t wanna ft him, he ended up calling me again I didn’t answer. Then after I was done which was about an hour later I messaged him saying hey, he responded and I asked what he was doing he told me he was checking into his hotel. I said okay then proceeded to ask why was he in that city anyways. He didn’t respond, but hours later seen my message since he has his read receipts on. It’s been almost 20 hours, he hasn’t responded yet , but has been active on Facebook. So it’s clear he’s ignoring me.. Do I have the right to be mad and does this all sound fishy?
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