My boyfriend still chats with his tinder matches should I be concerned?

My boyfriend still talks to old Tinder matches
The other day I was with my boyfriend and I asked him who one of his Snapchat best friends was, because I noticed that he doesn't really talk about most of the people on his best friends list as much as his other friends. He told me he met she on Tinder, but he doesn't talk to him "that way" anymore. I trust him and I don't think he would cheat on me or be unfaithful, but something still kind of bothers me about it. He has a snapstreak with him, which means he snaps him every day. I don't think he's ever met this girl in person, but that also makes me feel like he could be sexting this guy or something. I feel like that's sort of an irrational thing for me to think, but I can't really help but think about it. I also do know that the guy knows we're together, which I guess makes it less bad. There are a few other people that he regularly snaps that I think could also be old Tinder matches.

He doesn't really hide anything from me in general; I have access to his phone and he has access to mine. That's not to say we actually snoop on each other, but it's a nice way of knowing we trust each other. We also talk to each other pretty much constantly throughout the day, so I know there's no way he's meeting with anyone behind my back. I also know that he's not still on Tinder or any other dating apps.

We're really at a point in our relationship where we both know how we feel about each other and I think I shouldn't worry about things like this, but I still just do. Is it irrational for me to be bothered by him talking to old Tinder matches? Should I say something about it or should I just get over it?
My boyfriend still chats with his tinder matches should I be concerned?
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