Should I try and talk to him or just walk away?

A guy friend of mine and I were getting closer and starting to cross the line from friendship to something else recently (cuddling, sharing a bed most weekends, flirting, texting a lot, spending loads of time together).
I asked him could we talk about what was happening between us and he joked and brushed me off but continued with these behaviours.
Then after 2 months of this he just stopped replying to my texts and became cold. He still does some of the flirty stuff but barely. I only see him every week or two now and only if a mutual friend is involved. He hasn't invited me to do anything one on one in at least a month.

What happened here? We were very good friends before all this so i can't understand it.

Anyway I am considering having a conversation with him for closure more than anything and wondered if this is the right thing to do or if I should just walk away.
Guys how would you view a girl who tried to have a conversation about this and girls would you bother with a conversation or take your pride and go?
Baring in mind he was a good friend before all this.
Have a conversation
Don't bother with a conversation
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Should I try and talk to him or just walk away?
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