My boyfriend barely calls or texts me anymore?

Hey everyone, my boyfriend and i have been together for 6 1/2 years. we use to enjoy talking to each other all the time, now lately he’s been real crabby. i know he has his bad days and doesn’t feel like talking but it’s been a lot lately. so let me tell you that he has told me that i am real controlling and needy and clingy. i didn’t think it was true until i actually stopped and noticed my actions towards him and it’s true. when he’s hanging out with his friends and not me i call him like crazy to wonder why he’s with them and not me. i also complain a lot, complain about the past. he used to like girls bikini pictures and DM them telling them they are pretty and gorgeous and i hated it. i bring that up a lot and he hates it. now all he wants to do is be with his friends. he’ll hangout with me like two times a week and the rest he will be with his friends. when he’s with them they go out to restaurants, drink beer and have fun and when we hangout together we don’t do anything. sometimes when i call him he won’t answer me and when he does answer, he’ll answer with attitude. i’m real confused bc we are going on vacation tomorrow and i’m not really sure if he wants to now. i asked him what time he wants me over tonight or tomorrow and he doesn’t even respond.
My boyfriend barely calls or texts me anymore?
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