Guy puts 3 dots after bye in text meaning?"bye..."?

He gives very hot and cold behavior when txting. He replies fast and replies in paragraphs at times.. then other times he's cold and distant. He does say he's busy with work and has a stressful job but he also always says he enjoys talking to me.

Its hurtful bc I feel like he kind of likes me sometimes.. other times I don't know. he said he is really focused on his job and all his energy and attention goes towards it.. he said he worked so hard to get where he's at.

but everytime i say... "Ill just go, good luck to you" he says okay or something nonchalant

Sometimes I think he does like me but is trying to cut off the emotional part..

I unfriended him on everything and deleted his number.
Guy puts 3 dots after bye in text meaning?"bye..."?
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