Are we over or Is this relationship able to be saved?

2 years ago I ended up dating the guy I had the biggest crush on. (I like to think that he was my actual first love since he’s the only person I ever felt so attracted to.) We didn’t date for long before everything went to shit. We still go to the same school and we’ve both changed a lot. Every time I run into him I noticed he’s very conscious of my presence. If we’re about to walk past one another he will quickly pull out his phone and look down while he passes me or he’ll turn around and come back with a friend. He stopped doing it recently and instead we always make long eye contact that’s held for a few seconds before one of us eventually looks away. Honestly I don’t want to be this way with him since before our relationship went to shit we were good friends. I miss being friends with him. I want to fix our relationship, but I don’t know how to read him. What would you do if you were in my shoes? How do I even interpret his behavior? Is our relationship even saveable? Help me please.
Are we over or Is this relationship able to be saved?
Post Opinion