My chauffeur gave me chocolate does that mean something?

My chauffeur gave me chocolate does that mean something?
This chauffeur takes me to my sugar daddy house and been trusted with us for the past 2 years. He takes me my SD house and back to my house. He always been polite and nice to me usually we talk alil bit In the beginning of the ride and then I either go to sleep or just stay on my phone. Today he left me at my house and he asked me if I liked chocolates and I said yes so he then said “ I have something for you” I said oh okay. And he went on saying how he doesn’t eat chocolate a lot and he doesn’t like to give his daughter chocolate because she gets hyper lol. But then he pulled out a hear box chocolate box. I giggle and said oh thank you. He smiles and giggled and I said bye. Am I over thinking or it was just a nice thought of him and someone actually did give him the chocolate and decided to give it to me.
My chauffeur gave me chocolate does that mean something?
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