Long distance guy friend (25m) is suddenly acting weird and I don't know what should I (20f) do?

• Let's just skip the whole part of us bonding in different ways and truly trusting each other because it would've been long, he always have been a straight forward guy and has no fear to tell you the truth but i was always worried about things he thinks about in his unconsciousness , when we bonded I'm sure that for him was something real and pure too. He was attached to me

And used to talk to me about everything in his life with me. We even got to the point of us almost dating

We helped each other so much in ways that we couldn't imagine. No we didn't enter a relationship with eachother due to out traumas and we kept on friend zoning eachother even tho half of our time spent talking with eachother and sometimes even saying "i love you" and stuff.

I believe we both got overstimulated and started having arguments , mostly i was the cause because of my abandonment issues and well it caused him to decide on something..

He decided that we should spend less time and stop flirting because it'll cause me to get attached and then hate him , he didn't want me to build resentments and stuff, i was shattered but well i decided not to try hard to change his decision because it was meaningless.

BUT he DID keep texting me first everyday and helped me about other stuff , after a week we started flirting in a friendly way but not like anymore but well he's acting weird , I'm not sure if he's talking to multiple people or only one person but recently he stays online sooooo much just like how he used to do that with me but instead he's talking to someone else , he disappeared for 4 hours and then he was like " hahaha sorry i was talking to a friend" and kinda hinting that the person is a girl.

I just feel bad because if i do something like that he'd tease me and get jealous but now he's acting weird. Is it just a phase? Or did he suddenly got uninterested in me? He was literally fine one week ago

Long distance guy friend (25m) is suddenly acting weird and I don't know what should I (20f) do?
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