How do I tell if my male BFF likes me? With him, it's so hard to tell! Help me please?

Okay, so I have a male friend who I've been friends with for 1 year. We're sorta opposites, for example...

  • I'm pretty much the crazy person and we both know it. He's the smart calm one.
  • He gets good grades but isn't great at art, and I'm a great artist and a terrible student.

Yeah, anyway. The thing is, it's really difficult to tell if he likes me or not. I mean, he stares at me during class, he remembers small details about my life, and once one of my other friends asked if he like-liked them, and he casually answered no. But when they asked him about me, he was smiling, red, and flustered when trying to deny it. And he only sort of denied it. Plus, one time some random classmate girls asked him what he thought of me and he said, "she's kinda cute." They told me that and then he did not calmly deny it. He did deny it though.

But I did once ask him myself if he like-liked me, and he casually answered no. Plus he calls me "creepy" many times. I don't know how tf I am creepy; like I leave his personal life alone! I'm not a freaking stalker, bruh.

The thing is with our friend group, we like to make jokes about each other. But I can't tell whether he's joking about me or when he's serious. I always feel so clueless! He says sometimes he's joking, and other times he's not.

How do I tell if my male BFF likes me? With him, its so hard to tell! Help me please?

Does this dude like me or not? (he's 13 years old)

(That digital art is mine, by the way)

1 y
For those who don't understand what I'm saying or want it summarized: He is giving me mixed signals.
How do I tell if my male BFF likes me? With him, it's so hard to tell! Help me please?
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