My crush looked at me help?

ok so basically, a month ago, my crush followed me on insta. and then at school he's like looking at me a lot, ever since after he followed me, i feel like i m seeing him so much now at school, OMG TODAY i was wlaking with my friend and he decides to walk a little faster and he turns around and looks at me, so basically we have been making a lot of eye contacts and we follow each other on insta, he doesn't like anyons pictures or anth, and me and him don't talk at school. i feel like i should make a move by texting him since he followed me on insta first and plus he dont got a lot of followers on insta, its j his relatives. what do you guys think i should do? talk to him or text him on insta or should i wait for him to make a move?

My crush looked at me help?
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