How to end a situationship in a healthy way?

I’ve been dating this guy “without a label” for 4.5 months now.

I’m probably going to get a lot of hate for this but yeah I blocked him. I guess you could say I did really like more than our friends with benefits situation. But he seems to not wanting anything serious which I understand.
I just blocked him for peace of mind with no explanation. I found a woman’s hair (not mine) in his bed and I just decided that was not it for me.

He came to my house the other night when I wasn’t home and asked my roommate to tell me to call him.
His been trying to call me using unknown numbers and other phone numbers but I haven’t been answering. I’ve blocked him a week ago, I do feel bad but it just seemed like the right thing to do at that time.

I just want to break it off with him but I hate confrontation because of my anxiety. I really need help on how to tell him.

Thank you all in advance.

How to end a situationship in a healthy way?
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