I was talking to a guy who I’ve known for 10years now and we were talking about getting into a relationship. He plays hot and cold games and I got upset by this so I sent him a message on Instagram a week ago which I shouldn’t have sent. I just felt upset and I overreacted. I didn’t say anything horrible, I just told him to stop bothering me if he’s gonna keep playing games but he’s very sensitive and shy. He then blocked me on insta. He contacted me on Snapchat the following day saying that me and him need to talk so I accepted this and he suggested a time and date for us to talk. He obviously lost his nerve because on the day he wrote “never mind, all the best, it’s too long” and then blocked me straight after. I know for a fact that men hate confrontation so they’d rather take the easy way out, which is what he’s done by blocking me. I really want to apologise to him for sending him that message but he’s blocked me on all his personal social media accounts, which shows he’s obviously hurt because otherwise why would he block me. I notice he’s got an Instagram account that he uses for his gaming content, I was thinking of contacting him on there. I’m not sleeping well because this situation is upsetting me. I shouldn’t have sent him that message in the first place. Should I contact him on his other insta account to apologise because I don’t want to leave things like this? I’m scared though that if I message him on his other account, he’ll block me on there too. He’s obviously upset. What should I do?
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