How should I responded to my sexual chat boss?

Im a guy he's older guy. I work delivery for his restaurant. I just go there to do my job its why im there. He starts making sexual talk which im not interested to chat at all. My reluctance must make him think im needing encouragement or something. So he starts talking about how he's fukin his wife etc. While she is standing next to him. Talkkng about women outside the restaurant etc. Then always asking me even more sexual, private, relationship questions. I have ignored him every time. I dont even reply just sit in silence. Eventually it stopped. I still feel like I've been abused. Did i do the right thing? Should i have told him to shut up etc.. what would you have done? Nothing really happened just words but i literally feel abused. Maybe i should said something but i just didn't even want to be involved.

How should I responded to my sexual chat boss?
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