I can’t get over my crush I just can’t I have a gut feeling he likes me even if he gives me clear signs he doesn’t seem interested. He will never text me first but answer to my questions when I text him. He will never like my posts on social media but will like all the other girls posts. In person he doesn’t talk a lot but I feel he’s comfortable around me. He won’t really talk about personal stuff and shuts me off if I ask anything about his last relationship but that’s pretty much it. He does give me other signals as well he started at me when he thinks I’m not paying attention, he shows off cars he’s driven, stuff he bought, during a scary movie I grabbed his hand and he just accepted it and held my hand back I don't know why I can’t get over this person. I even deactivated my Instagram so I don’t post stories he watches all my stories 100 percent of them.
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What Girls & Guys Said
How does he watch all of your Instagram stories if you deactivated your account?
Your post is confusing because you say he barely talks to you, yet you've watched movies together?
Thank you for answering the post. I appreciate it. Sorry it’s a little confusing. Let me clarify it. We hung out a couple of times in a group of friends one of those times we went to the movies. Before deactivating my account he use to watch all my stories on Instagram. I know it might be stupid the Instagram thing but I just think this is typical for the generation we live in.
So what makes you think he is interested?
It’s a gut feeling. Maybe hope I can’t move on from this person. What are some tips to move on?
Spend more time with friends, meet new people. How long has this been going on?
For months now I tried everything you can possibly think of. I’m wondering if this is a sign that I’m not supposed to move on. Is he maybe the one I’m just trying my hardest
What do you mean, tried things?
I tried talking to people on dating apps I’ve tried going on dates I tried gagging out with friends everything
Ask him out.
He might only be interested in you as a friend