Why is this guy constantly staring at me glancing at me?


I work with this guy who constantly keeps staring at me. Even a co-worker pointed that out as well I don't know why. Sometimes we talk to each other and sometimes he blushes sometimes he sounds shaky in his voice when he talks to me, but the point is why is he keep staring if he isn't going to ask me out. I get it sexual harassment could be one reason, but why stare so much to the point other people starting to notice it. My coworker said I have to make the first move but the thing is I don't know if he likes me like that and I don't want to look like an ass cause at the end of the day I do work with him and have to see him every other day. Like I need to be sure he's feeling me.

We did locked eyes one day even though people say that doesn't mean anything, but he was the one to initiate the eye contact because I looked up and he was already staring and we both locked eyes on one another a lot longer than usual. Then on a different day he seemed really shaky in his voice while talking to me. My coworker told me that everytime she see me he's not too far away and there's some type of vibe when we are both in the room she said something like excitement.

Like does it really matter at the end of the day if he likes me or not if he's not going to make a move. I need someone with some common sense to comment what you think is really going on here and tell me if you've experience anything like this guy or girl that lead you to believe they liked you and if so were u right about it, cause I'm tired of going in circles with this.

Why is this guy constantly staring at me glancing at me?
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